#15: Zaka Amarta Knight.

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The Next day also Viraj practise his attribute abilities. He barely could move water, mud and fire. Though today he could slice the Rock while holding it with telekinetic powers. He returned and saw that some kids building snowman on ice. He smiled and walked upto his station.

He napped for about 5-6 hours, it was night already. He ate his food, swung his sword a little and a blade came, Viraj could sense the blade coming near him, he deflected the blade with his telekinesis. He jumped in air and flew like a arrow landing directly into the enemy army. The attackers were confused but before they could understand anything, Viraj took out his Kusarigama (Chain-blade). It was electricity induced and started to unleash havoc on battle ground. Viraj was probably at top A level now, his rechecking of RSP would be allowed after a month of checking for the 1st time.

Viraj's sudden counter gave time to the Tortorean soldier buckle up. It was greater attack force than earlier. Viraj lifted armour bear and sliced him into two with his wind slashes. Seeing wreck havoc 4 high level attribute users surrounded him, one of them was a strong telekinetic user, his telekinesis was stronger than Viraj. Viraj was trying was getting subdue, another was a metal manipulator, he created a whole array of different kinds of blades and released at him, another one of them was a lightning user he was inducing lighting to Blades flying towards Viraj and another one was a strong Soil user who blocked Viraj's escape from the other 3 sides by raised Rock like hard soil above the ground level. Viraj pulled a Body of Bear and blocked the attack, but attack was so strong it obliterated the dead body of the bear. The attackers thought Viraj must be dead though they sent there troops to check. As soon as the troops came near him, Viraj broke out and slit the throat of the Metal user, he then rotated hi Kusarigama and pierced the soild user and the use of lightning obliterated his body, then the fought the lightning user and Telekinetic user simultaneously in a closed combat situation. He took out his hand gun also and shot the lightning user point blank, now the telekinetic user alone, Viraj shot a bullet towards the telekinetic user but he deflected it. Then he striked with his Kusarigama but again deflected, Viraj tried get closer to him and felt his strong deflecting force, Viraj tried to strike a Wind slash but he dodge it. Then they were pulling anything towards each other and also exchanging punches and kicks, a kick landed on Viraj's left leg knee joint and it got twisted and fractured, Viraj fell on one side and at that moment the Telekinetic used landed another kick, Viraj blocked it with his arm but felt the crack in his bones. Viraj realised this attacker is also a duel user, he have super strength, Viraj instantly healed himself. Viraj realised he will have to kill this guy soon or the same thing will happen as earlier mission, where he couldn't heal fast enough his wounds. Viraj stood up to get a kick on the chest. Before flying away he landed a wind slash that made a cut on the attacker.
Before he could land on the ground the attacker was there to punch him again. Viraj used the wind to dodge his attack and landed on the ground but that attacker telekinetically pulled Viraj's chain blade and shoved it his chest. At that moment with his all remaining might release his strong lightning effect. The attacker got a point blank direct hit, his wound due to wind slash was bleeding profusely. Viraj pulled out the blade from his chest and striked some successive wind slashes at the attacker. This attack obliterated the attacker though he had a rock like body. He died and Viraj simultaneously absorbed his Spen, absorbing Spen is a simultaneous non obligatory process that doesn't need the attention of the user. Viraj felt the surge in his power after this battle. He moved forward and saw a masked man using teleportation technique and obliterating the Tortorean soldiers. He deduced it to be Karan so he flew to it to attack.

Viraj paused the teleportation of that maskman with his telekinesis but that attacker transformed into water and fell on the ground. It sneak toward the back of Viraj though Viraj noticed him. The teleporter conjured a sword made of ice and pierce Viraj. Viraj instantly pierced through himself just below his lungs with his sword upto piercing the mask man behind. Then he conducted another lightning attack and obliterated the guy. The Tortorean soldiers were shocked seeing such crazy display of killing. Viraj would feel the pain despite he could heal himself. The mask man body vanished in the darkness. Viraj took a few minutes to heal himself and stood up. He made some cracking sound with bones and ran like a lightning and slashes every enemy on his way.

The other knights were also destroying enemies. The battle continued till morning and all the enemy forces were killed. 300-400 Tortorean soldiers died and 21 Astral Knights, no casualty in the high ranked Knights. Viraj stood his ground as the bright star sparkled the ice like diamonds. He was called the Zaka Amarta Knight by the Tortorean soldiers which meant Crazy Undead Knight, because of stunt in the battle. Viraj felt the surge in his strengths. He was almost a high A-ranked knight, but officially a D ranker. He is not allowed to take a RSP test for period of a month from the previous test. The knights had their last meal at Torea in a grand way. The Torean king who was cowering in his castle came to give them a grand treat. They tackled a formidable army of rogue wielders who were very powerful. Admiral Park personally met Viraj and shook his hands and said, "You are really brave and crazy young man, of course you are rumoured absorption type wielder, hope to battle together in the future too."
Viraj bowed infront of him and thanked him for his appreciation. They got into the hyperloop and got back to the Junction 9C and submitted their borrowed belongings followed by health camp.

It was almost 5 am in the morning, by the time he returned to Astral Office. Miss Molina was not there but the other employees greeted him as he left for his home.

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