#2: Deaths in the City

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It's been a week since the group went to the picnic. It is the 1st of January a period of celebration all over the world. But shockingly and unfortunately Karan has been found hanged in his room.

He wrote in his last Facebook post,
"The demons inside me didn't let me sleep..... I am sorry everyone I'm going for the ultimate sleep... I can't live as a failure."

Everyone went to forbade goodbyes except Viraj. Was he okay or did to die?
Nishiket next morning went to Viraj's place. His mother opened the door.
"Auntie where is Vir, why is he not responding to our calls", Nishiket asked.
"He is sleeping, Nishi... In his room", Viraj's mom said.

"Virrrrrr... Wake up how late are you gonna sleep?" Shouted Nishiket.
After some shouts and door hammerings Viraj came and opened his door.
"I just slept man," said Viraj.
"Didn't you know Karan committed suicide", Nishiket said.

Viraj was shocked and also scared as if he knew it would happen. Though he could barely speak yet he asked, "How?"
"He hanged himself, the police suspect it because of study pressure he died, he couldn't get a medical seat so he hanged himself...." Nishiket said.

Viraj just listened plainly...
Nishiket continued, "iIt'sallalalllareallyrall urubbishwhy a guy would kill himself after 6 months of the entrance test, what an absurd idea that he was waiting for the new year... I think it is something else",

They chatted about it some more Nishi left after some time.... After Nishi left Viraj's room.

There was a frightening voice speaking to Viraj, " Your turn will come, your friend is gone now is your time",
That voice laughed.........and laughed.

Viraj was afraid but he was not giving in to that demon. Since that day, Viraj could not sleep as he slept he had nightmares as if his head had been cut down and his eyes had bulged out his eyes and had been eaten by the demon.

From the 4th Day, he was hearing the voice of the demon directly. During the night the demon's effects were beyond control but during that time... Viraj could sleep after he meditated for a while until any interventions... He hadn't discussed these things with Karan nor he had told anyone else.

Viraj also knew someday soon he might die because each day the power of that demon was increasing and he felt like losing his grasp...


On the 8th of January 2019, Viraj went with Nishiket to Party at a restaurant. He looked pale, though he went just to get some outside air. It was the birthday of a common friend named Ritwik who studied in a different college.

Viraj slept most of the time and only woke up to have dinner. As they were leaving the restaurant Nishiket said, "Why are you so sleepy man, everyone was talking that you are looking sick, I will talk to auntie and uncle about...", Nishiket couldn't finish his words as Viraj suddenly walked towards the road and a car ran over Viraj.

Everyone on the road frozen with shock as they all noticed a boy walking in front of the car.....

Viraj was dying...

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