#4: Unknown realms

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Chapter 4: Unknown Realms

Viraj kept on meditating even in his astral form and he felt his essence becoming stronger. He could lift lightweight things of the physical world like a plastic ball or a lightweight branch or stick. He avoids other souls as he understands that this world is dangerous beyond his understanding.
It was almost a month from his accident, and Viraj went to college that day. He recovered quite well and quickly. Doctors thought he would be able to attend classes for at least 3 months even after that he would need physical therapy. But he was able to run and play quite well in a month.

That night he was in his astral form and playing with a football. He could now juggle a football in his astral form. The nearby people think it's a ghost or something playing with a ball. They all sleep by 8 pm during the last week.

"Your little game giving the nearby people heart attack, why are not leaving this place and letting these people sleep with peace of mind," said a man. He must be in his early 30s wearing simple white shorts, and jeans with black shoes.

Viraj immediately ran... He felt that this guy must be a danger. As he ran he could see the guy was moving parallel with him and he punched Viraj on his stomach and dragged towards the field again. They reached quite a far... As they neared the field Viraj saw the man in front of him standing and also dragging him towards him. What kind of a monster was he...

Viraj was scarred... his physical body was sweating. Both the bodies of the man merged.
"You are not a lost soul but a wielder, I never knew there was another wielder in our area or maybe you are a new awakener any way come to talk with me at 4 pm sharp tomorrow," he said and struck his forehead with his forefinger and in an instant Viraj was at his home. He woke up and he was in his bed.

"Danmmmmmmnnnnnnn.... Who was he.. he could touch me in my astral form not only touch but grab and strike me too"... Viraj thought in his mind slept... On the other hand... The unknown man was smiling on his way home.


Viraj reached the field at 4:03 pm... The man was waiting for him.

"You three minutes late," he said, " l know, I am sorry," said Viraj in an apologetic way.

"Let me introduce myself, My name is Dilip Sinha I am a senior wielder and one of the astral knights of Gauhati. Who are you?"

Viraj thinking wielder... Astral Knight never heard of a profession like this.
"I am Viraj Kashyap, a 1st-year B.Sc. student at KMP College", said Viraj.

"Since when can you do astral projection?" the man asked.
Viraj studied on the internet that his new power is called astral projection and is a rare occurrence among humans.

"Since a month after my accident" Viraj replied and told everything to Mr Sinha from the start. About the picnic and cave. About Karan's death his dreams in a coma and his experiences after that.

" Hmmmmm.... Interesting, you are not someone who got this power since birth but acquired it due to outside interventions... Some bad enchanters pray to dark lords for powers and keep traps to make people sacrificial lambs. You are alive because of luck and your deities that protected you from those dark lords... But those lords are never happy when their sacrifice gets loose... They will come for you when they will find you" said the man.

"What should I do to protect myself?" Viraj asked.

"Train to become a wielder of soul or even an astral knight someday," he said...
Viraj got that he would have to become stronger to protect himself and also needed to find Lyasa to stop her rampage on innocent life.

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