#19: Love of the Fire and Wind.

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Viraj has kicked Luiz and Luiz fell from the carrier, Viraj landed on the carrier and untied the hands and mouth of Gemma Adnis. She was able to control the Carrier and make it stable.

To Viraj's Surprise, Luiz was also flying in the air, and he created a tornado and released it at Viraj like a torpedo. The tornado destroyed the carrier but Viraj was able to carry Gemma and land safely on the land. Luiz was in and created 4 more tornado-like torpedoes. Viraj's telekinetic defense was not strong enough to stop that attack, to protect Gemma he shielded her with his body. Viraj got a bad hit, the hit was so powerful it striked his abdomen and the force released its kinetic energy from his back obliterating his backbone. Viraj fell on the ground.

Priyanshi was battling the Souls of Hasuke's she have taken down the other wielders. She saw Viraj's back bursting blood, she suddenly felt like she was gonna loose him, she was anxious and furious, she pulled the ground beneath her and Xin and took it flying towards Viraj and Gemma. Xin had healing abilities though not upto the mark of Viraj but she could help. Priyanshi instantly created a dome of 3 layers rocks, soil and sand.

Luiz was striking with his wind torpedoes. Those attacks were literally shaking the whole dome but Priyanshi made it quite thick. Viraj has healed, because of Xin's help it was quite faster. Gemma also helped and transformed the inside layer of the rocks into very strong metal. Hasuke's soul warriors were also banding the dome, and also the oxygen level of the dome were decreasing.
Priyanshi was very much upset with Viraj recklessly attacking Luiz on his on. She said she along with Gemma and Xin will keep blocking Luiz and Viraj can attack and kill Hasuke. They have pinpointed Hasuke location from his vibration on ground, Luiz have not landed so it was tough to analyse his position. Priyanshi created a tunnel that will directly open below Hasuke and Viraj will kill him before he could access his situation. Priyanshi created the tunnel but Hasuke didn't fell for it. Priyanshi seeing no fall from above Viraj jumped out of the shallow sand and saw Hasuke's souls attacking him at that instant. Viraj telekinetically directed his sword towards Hasuke and pierced him by his chest. Hasuke was bleeding and eventually died. Viraj absorbed his energy and felt the incoming of wind torpedo, Luiz came towards him instead of fighting Priyanshi and her solid defence. Viraj dodged it this time, Priyanshi also came flying, she was also able to fly now, she have awakened a higher Soil attribute, gravity. She was using gravity to fly so her movements in air was way faster than Viraj and Luiz. She was like a falcon striking her prey. She flies and punches and kicks Luiz in a very rapid manner not giving him the time to create his wind torpedoes, Viraj took his time and released his strongest Electric attack without any conductor, he was able to strike Luiz like the lightning from the sky hit on trees. Luiz was electrified and burnt, he fell on the ground. Viraj and Priyanshi both landed on the ground, Viraj raised his hand for high five but Priyanshi ignored it and walked towards Gemma and Xin. They took a carrier and went back to the base. At base Gemma contacted her higher ups and called for a rescue team.

Gemma thanked Priyanshi, Viraj and Xin and appreciated for their bravery and not giving up attitude. After a few hours a rescue team arrived and retrieve all the dead bodies. The dead wielders from earth will be sent with respect. Farhan would be recommended for medal of Honors as well as the trio. They came 21 of them and now leaving only three. Gemma explained how the killed the Farhan, he was poisoned and then torpedoed by Luiz in his helpless state. The others were no match for Luiz and he single-handedly killed them. He had presumed only Priyanshi the A ranker might have survived but Hasuke sneaked away to tell them about the trio. He was following them with a miniature spying soul of his and also compromised their location to Luiz. But Viraj was an anomaly in their perfect plan and they had underestimated Priyanshi.

Priyanshi was not talking with Viraj, she was kinda still mad at him. They returned to their junction and she without even looking back at her left after the health checkup. Xin thanked Viraj for protecting her and invited him to visit her home someday. He smiled and said he will. A gaurd at the Junction called some and said, "Marshal Derek Alvarez, your son Luiz Alvarez was killed in Action, by two Indian Wielder, I will send their profiles to you."
"Alright, thankyou", said a deep shady voice.

Viraj returned to Astral office, and went home. They will get only two day leave as it was not a war-mission. Priyanshi, Xin had exchanged phone numbers with Viraj when they were at Khomdranian desert. Viraj sent her a message, "Hope you have reached your home well, Sorry if I have hurt you somehow, please forgive mee." His text was seen and replied with an angry emoji. The whole night till Viraj was awake he was asking for forgiveness and Priyanshi replying with angry stickers and emojis.
The next day, Viraj woke up and called Mr Samar, "Mr Samar, is it possible to get me on a flight to Indore in an hour."
"Yes it is possible, but may I ask the necessity for it", Mr Samar replied.
"A little personal business", Viraj replied.
"Ok, reach airport, I will arrange a ticket and send to you instantly", Mr Samar said.
Viraj reached airport and boarded a flight to Indore. After almost 6 hours he reached the city of Indore and went to the area she said she was from. He went to a pizza restaurant and called Priyanshi directly this time. He said he was in Indore and is in her area and wanted to meet her, he sent her location of the restaurant, she didn't replied anything and hung up the phone. After almost 30 minutes, Priyanshi came, she was looking beautiful and Viraj was already nervous. She was able to kill enemies with her looks. She came and sat beside Viraj. She asked, "Why are you here, wasting money on flights to be here." Viraj just smiled and passed her the menu to order food... He was cautious not to make the fire princess angry or the whole restaurant will be blasted. Viraj apologized nicely to her and promised not to be reckless ever. She asked why was he so into killing his enemies there is a process of arresting them too. Viraj didn't knew about it and killing his enemies increases his Spen reserves. His phenomenal growth was because of this process. He told in details about his past, how his friend Karan died and how he got the powers, how he met Dilip Sir and his encounter with Karan's soul and the mastermind of all these Lyasa. He then told her about his heritage and his meeting with Bisakha the former Chandravardhan pricess, now he was the Chandravardhan prince and Yuvraj. He boosted a little.

She told she is a Brahmin and the kings and princes should listen to her advise and should not be reckless. Viraj closed his hand and bowed her. She smiled like a little girl and ate pizzas, chocolate cakes, sizzlers and what not together. After the food they roamed around the city and clicked photos.

At last it was time for Viraj to go, Priyanshi was adamant to go with him to airport to drop him there. They sat on the backseat of their Ola. Priyanshi hold Viraj's and leaned on his soldier. Viraj asked, "Priyanshi, do you if I ask you a personal question."
She said, "umm hu."
He asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
She replied, "Would I be with you here, holding your hand and leaning my head on your shoulder if I had a boyfriend already, I am not a cheapo."
Viraj had tickling happiness inside and Priyanshi also smiled. They reached the airport and Viraj bade farewell and went inside. Viraj was happy meeting her today so Priyanshi. They decided to go on some missions together and help each other improve their techniques.

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