#8: Queen of Souls

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Lyasa killed 5 of her classmates and wiped out all of administation of St. Francis Public School.

After her father found that temple, Mr Raman Matthew did everything as told by her daughters spirit. After 21 days she could manifest herself into physical form infront of anyone and hold stuff of this material world.

It was a power she borrowed from the dark realms, she didn't belong to light anymore.

She told her father about her death. It was her whole class who killed her and the school wanted to bury her murder in the name of accident.

She loved a senior guy, named Viman, and he also loved her. They were secretly texting each other, sometimes they met after school. One of her classmate named Navya saw her who told her friends in her class. Everyone used to tease her with his name and she also used to give a shyful smile and move on. But someone in her class was not happy with this relationship. A girl name Sana was not happy with this. She also had crush on Viman since an early age, as Viman's father used to work in Sana's Father Company.

Time went by and one day Sana tricked Viman into giving his phone and she sent a text msg asking Lyasa to come to the School terrace to meet. She deleted that text from his end after sending.

Lyasa who didn't knew anything went up to the terrace though it was beyond student limits. Sana went with 4 boys from their class who she used to throw money at for doing anything.

They bullied and harrassed Lyasa, the boys even molested her, tore her clothes and made videos of her. After all of these, Sana said, "If you don't leave Viman all these things will happen again and again every day."

Lyasa was furious with anger, she was injured and hurt. She put all her strength and grabbed Sana by her neck. She was willing to suffocate her. But they overpowered her and pushed her back. But she slipped and fell from the terrace.

Sana and her team of hooligans were not fearful of the law, she called her father and explained everything. He managed everything and staged her death with the school administration.

The police was also helped the School and buried the case. Viman changed his school.

After 8 months... The real terror started. One by one all the boys who helped Sana died in a cruel way.

One by one all the school administration committee died, almost 14 people. The police officer who helped the them was also died.

Sana was tortured mentally and emotionally daily for 7 days. Then she was killed on a perfect day... On Sana's birthday in front of her mother and father. Lyasa left his father alive to suffer on his daughter's death.

They knew the killings were paranormal and it was Lyasa who was doing all these, which was obvious from the targets. They even tried to get help from Babas, Sadhus etc but couldn't mitigate the inevitable.

Lyasa after her vengeance she was more powerful. She had the power to make the souls of her victims her slaves. They will never be in peace.

She asked her father to preserve her body parts into gems and diamonds. In that way she will always be connected to this material world.

Lyasa's vengeance was not over she wanted to dismantle world, where the rich can do whatever they want and poor just were unknown slaves to them.

She wanted to open the dark realms gate for the evil entities to enter earth and wipe out the population. She placed those sacrificial traps in different location of the world. And all the sacrificial souls were trapped in her dark realm. Karan's soul was also trapped there. Viraj was the only one who escaped that fate. But instead got some abilities which made him different. But will Lyasa simply leave him in peace or she will come for him.... The time will reveal.

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