#18: Betrayal of Comrades

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Priyanshi helped Xin to get mends with her dress, in the meantime Viraj went outside, and couldn't find Hasuke. He was in gaurd for them. Priyanshi and Xin came out of the cave, as they couldn't see Hasuke, Priyanshi asked,"Have you seen Hasuke Sir he should have been here."
Viraj said, "No, I haven't seen him yet."

Priyanshi introduced herself formally as Priyanshi Bharadwaj, she is from Indore. She appreciated his abilities but she said she could have handled them. Xin also introduced herself as Xin Chang. She was from Singapore. She was a D ranker like Viraj.

Priyanshi asked him about his home and since when he is working as a wielder. Viraj told her about the accident after which he got the powers. Since then he had been trained by Mr Dilip Sinha. He also told her that its only 3 weeks of him joining.

Priyanshi doubted him to be the knew absorption type wielder, his introduction made her sure. Though she confirmed that by asking him. Priyanshi told about herself, her grandfather was wielder, both her father and uncles were not interested in this line of work. She awakened her power in 7th standard when her grandfather had died. So she had no one to train her, her father was also an expert of the Fire attribute though he didn't wanted her to be an wielder he taught her the techniques, atleast as a self defence. She was good at it so her gave her the permission to enlist, she wanted to visit the worlds her grandfather told her as stories. She wanted to know more about this beautiful nature which is more than just battles. Viraj got a dreamy smile as he listen to Priyanshi, she had a very optimistic motivation to be a wielder. She has been a wielder for 1 year now, she has worked hard and also awakened her soil attribute and physical strength enhancement attributes. She could fuse her attitudes to make a more deathly attack, if Viraj wouldn't have came to her side she would have transformed the whole cave floor into molten lava. She can withstand higher temperatures so it would have been fine for her. She have trained in a active volcano to perfect her technique. She is very hot and wonderful.

Viraj had awakened his fire attribute but was struggling to use it. Priyanshi agreed to help but he has to promise her to give her a treat of Pizzas after they reached Earth. He gleefully accepted her condition..

After training with Priyanshi in the scorching sun he was tired as hell but she didn't even flinched. She was very hardworking whereas Viraj likes to have a good nap whenever he can. She said fire training is not easy as if you don't work on high temperatures resistivity your own fire may burn you. Your skin being tough and being resistant to fire is two different thing so one have to work on both aspects.

Priyanshi is a prodigy, she rose to A rank Knight despite not having the absorption abilities. Her spen reserves were very high, she had very good techniques and abilities, also doing variety of missions. She will become a marshal one day.

After almost a day, Viraj, Priyanshi and Xin decided to return to the base and report everything. They have waited enough for Hasuke. They started walking towards the base but didn't knew if it was the correct way. They walked for two hours but couldn't see the base, they saw some cactus and went towards it to extract water from it. Their was no shade anywhere nor any clouds, only sunshine for all day.

As they were extracting water, a group of attackers came on flying carriers, it was different from the ones they used it was small able to carry 6 people and without any roof. Almost 18-20 of such carriers surrounded them.

The trio got to their attacking stance. A carrier came near them and one of the man who was masking his face with a cloth said, "Have you come to kill us."
Actually they were but they decided not to reply.

"But there is no use to kill us anymore we have already captured your base and killed your men," he said and showed them the beheaded head of Farhan. They have captured Gemma Adnis, they needed her to do the metal transformation. The man then removed his scarf and was Luiz the third A ranker that came with them, Hasuke was with them in one of the carriers, they have killed all the other wielders. Sam, Tyler and Ortiz works for Luiz who in secret working for an agency that deals in black market. They teamed up with the local pirates who were also astral users but of very low grade. But, Luiz, Hasuke and some other of them were not easy nuts to crack. They asked them to surrender and join them as the battle is already lost.

They didn't respond and waited, then Luiz order open fire, they have assult rifles not the spen type but the real one. Viraj, Priyanshi and Xin. Toughen up there aura. Xin's ability was healing and psychotic type, she accurately release psychotic waves to make someone delusional for sometime but she can attack one at a time and the effect stays for only 2-3 minutes. On stronger Astral user this attack may not even work on them for seconds. Her attacks were of no use on Sam, Tyler and Ortiz.

Priyanshi raised a sand wall and Viraj did his Telekinetic deflection technique. Because of Viraj's deflection technique bullets were not even reaching the sand wall and if they reached its velocity was very slow to pierce it. After they have wasted all their rounds. They took out swords, blades and spears now and landed on the ground.... Viraj, Priyanshi and Xin ready now for the melee attack. Xin was ready with her sword, Viraj and Priyanshi preferred using their abilities.
Viraj released a double wind slashes. Priyanshi, rock long darts pierced a lot of them, after some time all the small fries were slaughtered by Priyanshi and Viraj. Xin was also able to take down one or two. Luiz, Hasuke and two other were there. Luiz asked Hasuke and the three of them to land and attack whereas he have decided to take Gemma Adnis and flee from there. As soon as Luiz's carrier turned towards the opposite side, Viraj flew towards him, kicked him in mid air. Priyanshi was waiting to battle the other three, one of them was also a soil user who was releasing a waves of sand at her. The other was a metal type so he have risen all the fallen swords blades above him to counter Priyanshi, if she is not burried in sand. Hasuke was a soul summoner. Its a rare ability, he can summon souls he have slain, that can fight for him, currently he could summon 7 souls, these souls cannot be killed untill the soul master is killed. The seven souls of Hasuke were giants almost of 12-13 feets every one of them got weapon of its own type. Priyanshi have a tough challenge now.

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