Chapter 162 - "Let's go home, Moreno."

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~ Years Ago ~

"All you do is pick on him."

The sixteen year old Lucius stared at his annoying younger brother, raising an unbothered eyebrow as he debated whether to kill them both, knowing his father would probably get over it if he did. Bronsted had annoyed him by talking too much. He was already in a very bad mood since Draco had decided to make him experience one of the most horrific trainings and they didn't allow him any sleep until he stopped sobbing from the heartache, which only made Draco bruise him even more.

That meant he only got two hours asleep, and his mind was still replaying the petrifying screams from that infant that it felt as he merely had a blink before he was forced to head to breakfast with the rest of his irritating feeble brothers. None of them had any idea the traumatizing training that he had to face; he got the worst of it. That was why the simplest things could set him off and this morning, the thirteen year old Bronsted had not only chewed too loud, but the unhumorous jokes and giggles at the end of the table, as if there was anything to laugh about in this destructive base, made him lose his cool.

He could barely see straight when he slammed his plate of food directly into the face of Bronsted that it shattered across his nose. Tiny cuts across his face began to bleed, and he stared up in fear as he watched Lucius step closer to him. Lucius, with a blank stare behind his gaze, felt his own wounds begin to ache underneath his baggy clothes that he pounced over Bronsted. However, he only got one hit directly across Bronsted's jaw, before he felt a hefty shove that caused him to stumble sideways.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Reno growled, the rage causing veins to bulge from his neck as he stepped in front of the grunting Bronsted who was still on the floor. "He did nothing wrong and you're beating him up again."

Lucius' eyes were blank. "He laughed too loud."

Dante, Tessa, Melissa, and Eleanor were all seated. It was only the five year old Melissa who shuddered; for the others, this was a regular occurrence that they continued to eat their food as if there were no commotion going on. Mostly because stepping in when Lucius had some sort of fit was practically a death sentence. Plus, they were all dealing with their own troubles and barely even liked one another.

"Why are you so angry all the time?" Reno shouted, broadening his shoulders and squeezing his fists, although they quivered since he knew Lucius was way stronger than him. "We can't even laugh without having you beat us up?"

"Move Moreno, unless you want to fight too."

"No one wants to fucking fight you, Lucius!" He pointed to the table where the others ate in silence. "We came to have a meal, that's all!"

"I'm not going to say it again," Lucius hissed as he raised his fists.

"I heard that baby crying last night, alright? I don't know what dad had you do, and I get that you're going through intense training with him, but that doesn't mean that you can—"

Before Reno could even finish his sentence, Lucius had already started launching his hits, punches and kicks, slamming his forehead into his, not stopping until he saw one of Reno's tooth fall from his bloody mouth. Then, he stepped over the both of them and left the dining space.

The same day was when, during their training, Bronsted had failed miserably that Draco slammed his foot into his ribs, cracking one and causing Bronsted to tumble to the floor in unbearable pain. Then he said, "You're such a foolish little nuisance; you were never meant to be born."

It wasn't that they had a bedtime routine, but Reno felt it was automatic that his lethargic body dragged itself to Bronsted's bedroom to tell him goodnight. That late afternoon though, Bronsted wasn't in bed. Although Reno didn't want to worry, Bronsted did have a pretty rough day; Reno's brain wouldn't let him fall asleep if he didn't visually see Bronsted. That was why he yawned as he made his way throughout the base, avoiding knocking on doors that he knew he would get in trouble if he did, skipping past Lucius bedroom and peering inside Melissa's room, who tiredly rose from her bed and mumbled that she hadn't seen him.

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