Chapter 72 - Mercy

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He pointed to their sister. "I used Tyler to get here, guessing that you would all be here too, so that I could interrogate you guys about him because he's been missing for too long." He stepped closer to Dante and tilted his head. This time, the way his jaw tightened, as if his patience was diminishing by every second, Dante knew that Wolf was going to explode when they reveal what happened to Jules. "Tell me where is my son."

The silence that fell over the room was heavy, almost suffocating to them. Even though the hatred for Wolf was still present, realizing that Eric was the one behind all that had happened was a revelation none of them had expected.

Wolf cleared his throat, finishing his drink and heading for the bar to place it on the counter. After a long sigh, walking past both Reno and Bronsted on the ground, he returned in front of Dante. With this fingers interlaced behind his back and his chest broadened, he leaned forward with his head to the side, as if he needed to hear better. "What did you mean when you said you dealt with my son?"

Dante furrowed his brows. "Are we supposed to overlook the fact that you mercilessly murdered my younger brother?"

"You're lucky I didn't kill anymore of you, I consider that to be mercy."

"Regardless of which way you look at it, you brought Eric here," Dante hissed. "You should have consulted with the rest of us—"

"Consult with my enemies about new members joining me? Are you stupid?" When Dante's eyes glanced elsewhere, Wolf clamped his hands together and lowered his sight for a second. "Now..." he leaned even closer, "...stop beating around the bush and tell me where the fuck is my son." His teeth were tightly gritted and the way he had growled had even caused Dante to feel shivers along his spine.

None of them responded, which made Wolf divert his attention to the rest of his family. "He's not dead, right?" It was clear that this was not what he expected, since the way his face blanked when he realized that could be a possibility was unnatural. "You all realize that he was my only child, right?" He tilted his head as he stared at Tyler who wouldn't even meet his gaze. "I'm infertile; I can't have other children. And regardless, even if I wanted another kid, his mother passed away and my loyalty lies only with her."

The only two that would look at him were Dante and Lucius, and he figured Lucius just didn't care, while Dante wasn't frightened. Wolf returned to where he stood, closer to Dante than he had been before and Dante noticed that his face was starting to grow red, as if an uncontrollable rage was beginning to broil. "He better not be dead." When Dante looked away, Wolf raised his eyebrows, slowly shaking his head. "Answer me!"

"One of your men tortured a random civilian to the point that he lost an eye and an arm, but you expect us to have mercy on your son?" Lucius was the one who spoke, but it was clear he was shifting the attention from his other brothers onto him. Wolf needed a target and he was the only one that had no fear of death amongst them, as he had caused many.

Wolf swallowed hard, glancing towards Lucius before returning his focus on Dante. "He's the only thing I have left to live for."

"I tortured him to know where Nate was being held, and he wouldn't tell us." Lucius paused for a moment before adding, "He's dead and I'm the one who killed him."

A gloom invaded the room as soon as Lucius admitted this words. All of them felt shivers, the uncertainty of what was to happen next frightening them—except Lucius who had always been prepared to take the blame. The silence had been long, not a single sound leaving anyone's mouth. Wolf who had his eyes locked with the ground, not a movement from him. For minutes, all they did was wait.

They thought the next person to speak would have been Wolf, but instead, the doors bursting open and caught all their attention. They were all shock when they saw him walk inside the club, with a limp body over his shoulder. He had to bend down as he walk inside due to his abnormal height and physique.

Draco's boots clacked with every of his steps, his black long parka flowing with every movement, and it was no surprise that not only was he wearing his golden bulletproof armour, but also had his double barrel shotgun loaded in one hand. His height had always been intimidating to everyone, as even Wolf swallowed hard for a second before he remembered to himself that they were at the same level, owned the same amount of power.

No one said a word as Draco approached them, not even any of Wolf's men daring to step forward. As Draco grew closer, he exhaled a groan as he threw the body from his shoulder onto Wolf's feet; an unconscious Eric with a busted lip and swollen face fell to the ground.

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