Chapter 61 - Turn of Events

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The room fell into a deep silence, all of their eyes widened. That was not a fact they had expected—it was never implied that Wolf even had a son.

It only made it worst when Molly added, "And that's the only son Wolf could ever have—he's infertile now."

None of them knew what to say, nor what to think. The only think they observed was the gigantic brilliant smile decorating their father's lips, watching as he slammed his foot onto the floor and exhaled a long series of robust laughter.

"Why have we been summoned here then?" Bronsted interrupted their father's chuckling, his folded arms hiding his trembling fingers. Although the room was at all warm, the glistening of his forehead was apparent as the sweat drops began to linger across the side of his face. "To prepare for their counterattack?"

"Their counterattack?" Draco shook his head, his palm on his forehead. "The only person remotely reading the room at the moment is Melissa."

"It's Molly..." he grumbled under his breath.

"We're all confused dad," Reno spat, stepping forward. "Just tell us what's going on and why we're here."

Draco's eyebrows raised, a glare slanting his eyes as he wondered when his son had built the audacity to speak to him in that manner. However, it was not the time to scowl them as they didn't have much time. Instead, he exhaled a sharp sigh before returning his attention onto the issue.

"I've heard of a young fellow you have taken under your wing, Dante." Instantly, Dante's eyes widened. "Nate Kennedy, isn't that his name?"

The instance his name was said, Dante's focus diverted to his brothers—there was no way his father had figured all of this out on his own. Bronsted took a step back the minute he saw the overflowing rage circulating Dante's glare. "Which one of you told him?"

"It was me," Lucius raised his hand quickly; there was no way he was frightened of his younger brother. Besides, after what Dante had made all of them do, he was glad he had told father about his little schemes with Nate Kennedy. "I told."

"See?!" Reno threw his arms in the air. "Lucius does whatever he wants and we all sit around like cowards." His gaze turned to meet his father's amused ones before he shouted, "Tame your damn dog Dad, he's going ballistic!"

"Reno," Bronsted exhaled a sharp sigh, stepping towards him. "Please calm down."

"Why would you tell father my business, Lucius?" Dante spat.

The minute Lucius heard the coldness in Dante's tone, he instantly straightened his spine. They all noticed the way his jaw clenched repeatedly before he snapped, "Are you questioning me right now, Dante?" He was never spoken to in this way, or at least he wasn't supposed to be. But his arrogant little brothers had started to confront him with broad shoulders, and he was not a fan of it.

Even though Dante knew how psychotic Lucius could be, the fury had overwhelmed his blood and the boiling in his stomach were feelings he could not ignore. "I haven't told father about the fact that you've been seeing Raphael, have I?"

Lucius never revealed his emotions for anything—other than resent. He was never upset, never content, always cold and reserved or went on a raging spree if something irked him. However, this time there was something else—he didn't expect for Dante to expose him in this way, especially not in front of their father.

The way his eyes quivered while they widened, it was evident that Lucius was in distress, slightly even frightened. His mouth moved but no words were expelled, as if he was searching for the perfect series that wouldn't reveal the truth.

Before he was able to utter a word, their father slammed his boot against the floor, reigning the focus. "I have no care for your love interests. I need to know where Nate Kennedy is being held."

"We have no clue," Molly sighed, lowering his gaze as he fell deep into his thoughts. He had always been the ones to decipher these puzzles, but Wolf had way too many sectors and alliances that it was impossible to dictate one place where Nate could be imprisoned.

Even worse, there was a high probability that he was already dead.

"We would have known if it wasn't for Lucius," Dante snapped, returning his glare onto his brother. "Him and Raphael interrupted our torture when Jules was just about to tell us!"

His movement had been so stealth that Dante barely even saw the weapon come towards him. One second he was yelling, the next time he blinked, there was a shout for his brother to stop, only to find a knife being held a centimetre away from his neck.

Dante had pushed buttons that Lucius had never even knew he had, as he had never been challenged in this way before. The only reason Dante was alive was because the person to have shouted at Lucius to stop was their father. "Lower your weapon."

"Watch how you speak to me."

Dante snorted, a deeper scowl crossing his face. "I'm not scared of you Lucius."

"I said lower your weapon." Draco's tone had been much more menacing, his patience evidently being tested to its limits. It took a few seconds for Lucius to obey, but he lowered his knife, stepping away from Dante but not without sending him the darkest glare, one that was sure to meant that this quarrel was not yet over. "There's no reason to fight amongst ourselves, especially not my own sons."

"Then ask Lucius to stop killing pe—"

"Enough!" When Draco leaned towards his son with broadened shoulders, Reno instantly turned away and sealed his lips. "Do any of you have a clue where Nate is being held?"

All of them shook their heads.

"Melissa, any guesses?"

"There are a few places where he could be held but it's not for certain." Molly sighed, folding his arms across his chest, his face into a grimace. "Sending our men to each of them would be a waste of resources because there's still a chance they might all be wrong." After a short pause, he met his father's gaze and apologetically shrugged his shoulders. "I have nothing."

Draco thought he was at a dead end, inches away from simply finalizing his decision and sending his men to all places Molly assumed could be the one. However, as his hope was diminishing, he had never expected for a sudden knock on the door be the answer to his problem.

And it be Raphael.

"It's a family meeting," Reno spat the minute he saw the golden haired man step inside the room. "You're not welcomed."

Raphael's brows furrowed, sensing the hostile air from the strange regards on his friends' faces. It worsened when he realized that Lucius did not even want to look at him. However, he wasn't here to have a comical chat, he had other revelations that may be of some help.

"We've detained a prisoner that I think would be able to help you all."

"We don't have time for that right now, Ralphy."

"Oh yes," Raphael snickered, rapidly nodding his head as he glanced towards the angry Dante who had spoken to him. "Yes, you have time for him."

They heard shackles as the prisoner was dragged inside the conference room, and the moment they saw who it was, all their eyes widened as they stared in silence. Their father burst into a series of chuckles, unable to contain himself as he threw his head back and laughed until he couldn't anymore. This has been the most unexpected turn of events, and it had given them an upper hand that Wolf would not see coming.


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