Chapter 157 - "On the outside."

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They had all been suiting up their armours, when Nate heard knocking on his bedroom door. Before he could respond, the door slightly open and he smiled when the grey irises came into view. It was evident that Dante was frightened for Nate's life, hence Nate instantly reassured, "Dante, I'll be fine."

The wrinkles on Dante's forehead didn't soften as he approached Nate with his hands in the front pockets of his sweater. "I hope you will be, but that's not why I came here." When Nate raised an eyebrow in his direction, that was when Dante extended his palm forward, revealing the small gift box that had been on Nate's bed. "It's all dented since Reno jumped on it, but it's still intact inside." Nate felt breathless as he took the small box, covered in gold and maroon decorative wrapping paper. "I'm sorry, I know it's Christmas wrapping paper, but I was in such a rush that I didn't even think of it."

"You don't have to apologize for that," Nate murmured, swallowing hard. The only way to stop himself from bursting into happy tears was by gulping, and he glanced upwards towards the ecstatic eyes of Dante who motioned for him to open the gift. "You didn't have to..." he felt the words were getting stuck at the back of his throat as he whispered breathlessly, " didn't have to do that...for me..."

"I know this is too soon, and I don't want to scare you." Dante stepped forward and placed a palm on his shoulder, reaching for the lowered chin of Nate and pushing upwards to make certain their gaze stayed connected. "But you know I'm in love with you and I want you to always remember that." When he saw Nate slowly nod his head, he distanced himself again and exhaled a sigh. "I don't want to rush this, so I'm taking a step back before I can't stop myself from..." He never finished his sentence, and instead exhaled a few sheepish chuckles.

When he opened the gift, he choked for a second. It had been thoughtful to the point that he hadn't even thought of getting one. He glanced upwards at Dante whose smile only grew even wider, before returning his gaze onto the object. "A prosthetic eye colour too..."

"This isn't how I wanted to spend the rest of our first date, but I'm glad we had our moment," he admitted.

Nate wanted to try it this moment, but he closed the small box and stuffed it inside his armour. They had no time since Draco could be here any moment, but it only made him hope even more that they would all stay alive. He wanted to see where this relationship would go, since it had never been this way. The exciting tension between the two that they resisted to act upon, even though the connection was clear as day.

To finally have this relationship's trajectory follow the path of the same ones from the outside world, was causing butterflies to spiral out of control in his stomach. He wanted to see where this was headed, to feel the love grow and grow until they were inseparable again. He wanted to experience more dates and hangouts, to be asked out into a relationship, and to live in the honeymoon phase—he wanted all of it.

With a fond look, Nate resisted the urge to tightened their lips together. Instead, he wiped the tear that had leaked from his glossy eye, and with a long smile, beamed, "After this, we can go on a second date on the outside."

"Yeah," Dante chuckled, reaching for and caressing Nate into one last final embrace before their ambush was to begin. "On the outside."


Lucius panicked when he heard knocks on his bedroom door. He tightened his parka, hiding what was holstered along his chest as he headed for the door. When he pulled it open, he couldn't help but grumble a series of curses as the blond punk stormed inside, pointing to his bandaged head. He appeared to be in the military from all his gear, with his bullet proof suit and bold black boots that clacked with each of his steps. Lucius didn't have any time for that. It had been a while since they had all dispersed to get suited, and although there was still no sign of Draco, they still needed to set up their ambush and they had no idea when he would arrive. Thus, he had no time to sit around and chat.

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