Chapter 59 - A Clean Shot

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His focus was pulled away from Lucius when he heard beside him, "What the fuck is going on between you two?"

"No, no," Raphael laughed incredulously, rapidly shaking his head before he snarled, "that is not what were talking about right now." He pointed towards the door and added, "In what part of your brain did you think doing that to Tess was a good idea?"

"It worked," he widened his arms aggressively. "Jules was talking!"

"That's your fucking sister Dante!"

There was no way he would admit to being out of line, definitely not to Raphael who continuously pestered him about his wrongdoings. Raphael had his curled blond hair into a bun and was wearing a suit, as if he had been headed to an important meeting that had been sidetracked by Dante's manic episode.

His shoulders were broadened as he reached for Dante's chin, aggressively turning it for their gazes to meet, only to have his arm smacked away by Dante. "Don't fucking touch me." Raphael was taken aback by his menacing tone, his eyebrows lifted in shock. "You ruined everything, he was going to tell us where Nate was—"

"You were torturing Tess!"

Dante threw his arms in the air. "I wasn't going to let her die!"

"No you were just going to carve a whole word across her fucking face with a burning needle, how demented are you?!" When Dante rolled his eyes, he spat, "This is what you're showing to your brothers?"

"They've all been doing this for years already."

Raphael couldn't take this stubbornness, glancing around the room and meeting the frightened green eyes of Molly who attempted to look away, acting as if he hadn't been listening even though they all knew he had been. He inhaled a sharp breath when Raphael's fingers gripped his collar, squeezing a bit too tight before pulling him closer and forcing Dante to meet his gaze. "Look at him Dante! He's fucking fifteen! Fifteen! You're letting him practice this sort of shit, really?!"

"That's our lifestyle!"

"He's too young for this!"

"He's done this since he was five!"

"Because your dad asked him to!" He shoved Molly away and pointed a finger in Dante's face. "You hate your dad but yet, you act exactly like him—"

"Don't you dare fucking say that."

"Matter of fact," Raphael stepped closer to him, the disappointment echoing from his tone as he hissed sharply, "you're worst than him." He knew these words would hurt Dante to the core, which they did.

The worst of all was that Dante had nothing to say. There was nothing he could say to defend himself, to prove Raphael wrong. That was why he stepped past Raphael, nudging him by the shoulder when he did and began storming towards the exit when he felt a hand reach for his wrist and pull him back.

"No, I'm not done yet." Raphael shoved him backwards and gripped his chin to force their gazes to meet. "I haven't said everything I wanted to say so you're not leaving until I fucking do—"

"You couldn't have waited a couple minutes before meddling in my business?" he yelled at the top of his lungs, using his entire diaphragm as he practically spat in Raphael's face. Regardless of how Raphael felt about him, he had botched their plan that was seconds from successful. "Jules was about to tell us where they took Nate but you messed that up!"

When he noticed Raphael shake his head, as if he was attempting to express something that wasn't being understood on Dante's end, Dante leaned forward closer to him. He couldn't suppress the boiling anger in the pits of his stomach, showing by the veins becoming visible across his neck as his face flared a bold blood red. "You know what, maybe I am like my father! But that doesn't mean Nate doesn't need to be saved just because you—"

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