Chapter 13 - I am Nate

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"You're not going to tell me anything?"

No response.

"How about if you know him personally or word-to-mouth?"

A glare.

"What about his family, do you know anything of—"

"Shut up," Tyler hissed, lifting her eyes towards him before shaking her head and returning her attention to her Caesar salad, stabbing several pieces of lettuce and a crouton before shoving it in her mouth. "I told you already to just forget it."

"Did he do anything to you?" Nate continued, ignoring her glares. "Did he kill your family?" His eyes continued to shuffle as the ideas grew, until he inhaled sharply and whispered coldly, "Oh no...don't tell me...he did the r word to you—"

"Raped me?" She emphasized, raising an eyebrow when she saw his face contort in disgust, cringing from it.

"Ah!" He even lifted his palms instinctively to his ears, shaking his head, "Don't say that word!"


"Stop it Tyler!" he spat, goosebumps forming on his flesh as he felt jitters across the back of his neck. "I don't like that word."

"No," Tyler finally replied, shrugging her shoulders and her chewing began to slow down. "He didn't do that to me." After a few seconds, he noticed her expression change, one of her eyebrows lifting uneasily.


"Did he..." she bit her bottom lip, struggling to let the words escape as she stabbed her food for comfort, the crunching or the lettuces oddly enough sounding satisfying and allowing her lungs to breathe. "Did he do that to you?"

Nate snorted, wrinkling his nose and was seconds from answering when the fact that she asked that specific question made him realize something. Suddenly, his face fell and she noticed the way his eyes blanked.

"That means you know he's gay."

Tyler's face drained for colours when she realized the mistake she had made. She slammed her palm against her forehead, shaking her head vigorously. She had been trying to keep the truth to herself but it was starting to be difficult with Nate catching on to every little thing.

"How do you know he's gay?"

"For one, he's not gay. And for two," she slammed her fist against the table, exhaling sharply through her nose, "can we stop talking about Dante?"

Nate rolled his eyes, leaning on the table and slowly nodded his head. "Fine, but you're going to have to tell me eventually."

"You're going to have to tell me too," she retorted, hearing a groan from Nate.

His eyes diverted across the cafeteria, seeing all the others with their lunch boxes digging in to their meal while he sat with a grumbling stomach. He didn't bring any food; usually it had been his mother making him something for lunch but since this move had been terribly sudden, he hadn't ever learned how to cook. Yes he knew how to make small meals but he never remembered to grab anything before heading to school.

Again, it was only him and Tyler sitting together and he raised an eyebrow towards her. "You don't have any other friends?"

"I do, but he's not here."

"He missed the first two days of school," Nate snickered, lifting his chin and squinting his eyes in her direction. "I'm starting to think that there actually isn't anyone and you're just embarrassed to be a loner."

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