Chapter 53 - Lucius

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Author's Note: Please please remind me to post, this chapter has been sitting for weeks hahaha. peace and love.

Dante waited until his father's men arrived, wrapping Aunt Judy's body and carrying her to a separate truck. He wanted to assure that she would receive a proper burial, but he wasn't going to have any funeral service until Nate was returned. It was then that Tessa and himself separated; she went storming door to door, threatening the neighbours for information on what had occurred in Nate's apartment, and she wasn't surprised when they attempted to keep their lips sealed.

Their hideout was located on the outskirts of the city.

There was a humongous hill, almost the side of a mountain, within a forest around the city and they had successfully build their hideout inside that hill. That was where all of them resided, including his father, the rest of his brothers and all hundred apart of their team in that region. Inside had its own bar where the members crowded around whenever they hung out amongst themselves. There was also a meeting room with a huge conference table where all of them assembled whenever his father had an announcement. Each of them had their own luxurious room and they had hired a plentiful of women workers to assist them with every single of their needs, even the personal ones.

Dante entrance was greeted by a few underlings of his father who welcomed him, bowing down as he entered the base; all their weapons lowered as he walked past them. In order to reach the bedrooms, he had to walk through the main lobby, which he wasn't too keen on doing since he was certain he would be ambushed by his younger brothers.

And he was.

"Welcome back!"

He felt a violent shove, pushing him to the side and causing him to stumble a few steps before he regained his balance. Reno had always been the most aggressive one, touch being his main form of communication, as if that was the only way he could direct his love. Although his buzz cut black hair and bushy brows may appear intimidating, he had the most radiating love and care for not only his siblings but also friends, especially his best friend Walker.

Wherever Reno went, Walker was always right behind him—the duo was inseparable.

As if Reno's shove hadn't been enough, he felt a sudden arm wrap around his neck and push him downwards, squeezing him into a headlock. "Yeah, glad to see you finally showing up back here."

"Bronsted." Dante's teeth gritted as he struggled for air, attempting to dig his nails through Bronsted's forearm as he hissed, "If you don't let me go in three seconds, I will kill you."

"Geez," Bronsted mumbled, releasing his older brother. He sent a few fingers through his coiled gold strands, fixing them as he added, "You can never joke around, always threatening to kill people."

Bronsted was a bit short, thicker than the rest of his siblings and had blond hair that he wasn't sure how to style so changed it every other day. As for today, he had the bottom half shaved while the rest fell all over his head, not the fanciest look but he admired it, have it done it on his own. As for his eyes, he hadn't inherited his father's golden irises like Reno had, his were a muddy brown that wasn't too enticing, to say the least.

Dante straightened his spine, narrowing his eyes at them before he spat, "I'm in a hurry, stop bothering me."

"You're looking for Ralphy, aren't you?" Dante rolled his eyes when he heard the raspy disembodied voice circulating the air. They had gotten used to such tone, but to any newcomer, they always said the same thing about his voice; devilish. "What did you do to him?"

Molly appeared from the shadow down the hall, stepping towards them with a small smile across his lip.

He was fifteen years old and the youngest brother but was definitely the most sadistic one. Oddly enough, although their bloodlines were identical, he had inherited a peculiar set of traits that none of them had, nor his parents had.

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