Chapter 65 - Mariah II

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"The security guard at the front is named Doby. He's a gentle giant and won't give you any trouble. You need to tell him the code thought; it's purple sky. That means you're apart of Wolf's troop and you won't get patted down. Do not forget to say purple sky," Eric said through the earpiece.

They were still waiting in line amongst other civilians and because they were all antsy about commencing this mission, it felt as if the line hadn't moved an inch in the last half an hour. They all stayed near one another, attempting to strike conversations with other people in the line in hopes of appearing to be regular visitors as well. It had been about an hour and they were nowhere close to the entrance, and although they were all growing impatient by each second, they kept their complaints to themselves.

However, there was chatter that grew a little too sexual behind them that they couldn't help but turn to glance at which couple had been speaking terribly loud and detailed in public.

When they all realized who it was, Dante's heart dropped into his stomach. Reno covered his lips with his palm in shock, and Bronsted had to look away and back again because he was certain his eyes were playing tricks on him. None of them knew what to say as it was completely unexpected. It was only Lucius who didn't seem fazed whatsover, glancing at her once and not paying attention to her any longer. Instead, leaning against the wall of the side of the building, he placed a hand on Raphael's hip and left it there.

"Oh, look who we have here!" The couple started walking past them, as if they have been celebrity guests who were meant to skipped the entire line. The long sinister smile that lengthened the face of the woman was what they were all worried about, neither of them responding to her. "It's nice that you could all make it today."

"All of them too, the entire bloodline." The man snickered, condescendingly scrutinizing each one of them. "Your father must not care about any of your lives."

Even Raphael, who usually stepped in during these moments, kept his lips sealed and watched her walk by. He folded his arms over his chest in hopes to appear as if he had not been startled by her appearance, but the truth was, her being here was going to ruin their entire mission because they all knew what she was after.

"Let's hope that you can all make it out in know, before you make the entire place go..." She slammed her palms together before pulling them apart and whispering, "Kaboom!"

The man beside her started chuckling, tightening his grip around her. "We'll make sure they're still inside."

"Every single one of them." She winked.

The entire time, none of them answered her, since they were afraid of revealing who they truly were. Regardless, her being present was a risk in itself, but there was not a chance they were going to turn away from this mission today. They observed her walk forward, her tight silk red dress squeezing her core, her high boots black heels clacking with every step. She didn't even require an ID to enter, and as if she already knew the code, she walked in without being patted down.

The moment she was out of sight, Reno's palm hit his forehead. "We're screwed."

"She's a factor none of us considered. If she gets involved in any way, we could all be killed," Molly whispered, loud enough for his brothers to hear.

"Come on guys," Bronsted sighed, cursing under his breath before adding in a cold tone, "there's no way she doesn't get involved."

"Did you see who she was with?" Reno hissed.

Raphael slowly nodded his head. "That's a Mariah boy. There's no way we're leaving this place in one piece." That made Lucius tighten his grip on Raphael's waist.

"How the hell did she know we'd be here?" Dante snapped, narrowing his eyes at each of his brothers.

She said kaboom," Molly mentioned, shaking his head. "She knows about our plan."

"Which one of you told her the plan?" Lucius snorted.

Raphael raised an eyebrow. "I don't think any of us would have had time to tell Tessa."

"We literally came up with this plan a day ago," Molly agreed with Raphael.

"What are you boys talking about?" They heard their father growl through their earpiece.

Dante swallowed hard. "Tess is here."

"And she's with Thomas."

Who is Thomas, you may wonder? Here's a recap of chapter 38 below:

Recap of Chapter 38

Nate rolled his eyes. "Thomas is coming over to my place."

"Wow," Tyler's eyes widened as she glanced upwards to the muscular Thomas and back down to Nate. "I'm on your side but that's not a good idea."

"Why not?" Nate screeched, throwing his arms in the air.

Eric pointed to Thomas menacingly. "He definitely gives off murderous energy."

Thomas snorted. "Only a murderer would know what that energy is."

"And that," Tyler reached for Nate, gripping his wrist and pulling him apart from Thomas, "is the only red flag I need."

"That's not a red flag." Nate frowned, although he allowed himself to be distanced from Thomas who merely shook his head and chuckled.

Tyler rapidly nodded her head as she increased the distance between the two. "That is definitely a red flag."

"How is that a red flag?" Thomas laughed.

Tyler narrowed her eyes at him. "Because that's the same answer my brother would say and he's a murderer." Thomas couldn't help but burst into a series of cackles, staring at the trio walk further away from him.

Once they were further away from the kitchen, Nate complaining throughout their walk the front door, he finally pulled his arm out of Tyler's grip and hissed, "There was nothing wrong with that dude."

"There was an infinite amount of things wrong with that dude," Eric interjected, which got him narrowed eyes from Nate.

"I've heard of that guy," Tyler whispered cautiously, glancing around to assure that no one was listening in on their conversation. "He's apart of Mariah."

"Who's Mariah?"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she reached for her cellphone in her purse. "All you need to know is that he's not a good guy and his real name isn't Thomas."

"See, I was right," Eric smirked victoriously.

That made Nate frown, feeling slightly frightened that this man had lied about his name. "What do you know about him—"

"Forget about him, Nate. I'm calling Judith. Just head home for the night, alright?" Before he could protest, Tyler had dialled Aunt Judy's number and she was there in a matter of minutes.

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