Chapter 52 - That's A Fingerprint

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Neither of them made a sound, both staring at the ground in disbelief. That was not the sight they had expected, and instantly, both their eyes narrowed, their brows furrowed.

They needed to solve this mystery, finding out who had done this.

Tyler had never been close with her, but Dante had been at one point. Which was why she was surprised when Dante reached for a random shirt on the ground, pushing apart the strands of her hair to take a look at the wound at the back of her scalp. His hands were as still as a surgeon, the dead a habitual sight that he had been accustomed to after witnessing it way too much in his lifetime.

"Those are bullet wounds," he uttered, attempting to wipe as much blood as he could in hopes to retrieve a bullet. "There are two of them."

"Can you get one out?"

Dante sighed, slowly shaking his head. "I would need tweezers; I'll ask our team to handle that." He grabbed her shoulder and pushed her body to face upwards. She had began to decompose, died foam on the corner of her lips and her eyes had dried completely. The smell didn't bother either of them as they had been used to smelling it around their base. "She was killed."

Aunt Judith body had not been moved in Nate's bedroom.

However, Nate was nowhere to be found.

Tyler folded her arms, her eyes examining each and every detail around the room, attempting to find the lost acute aspect out of the ordinary. However, it was as if she had been killed by a ghost. There wasn't even another scent in the air nor was there any indication that she had been killed by an intruder.

"Must've been a silencer on there if no one heard the shots," Dante explained, pushing himself to his feet and lifting his eyes towards his sister. "Anything?"

"Nothing strange other than the body..." she mumbled, pushing the curtain to see if there was any opening from the window—absolutely nothing. "What about the smell?" This was definitely not a sniper since there were no other buildings that could have had that angle. "All the other neighbours around and no one reported the smell?"

He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes returning to the still face of Aunt Judy, her wide open eyes without any life staring directly into his own. "Probably were paid or threatened to keep quiet." Dante never struggled to see a body, he had seen way too many to count. But it always pained him to see someone he knew dearly. Although he hated Aunt Judy and would never let himself be tricked by her again, he had known her for way too long that he himself would have never killed her because it would hurt him. The fact that she was dead all of a sudden was causing an ache in his heart. However, the hurt was fuelling the rage as well since the people that killed Aunt Judy are the same ones that took Nate and there was no way he would let that slide.

He heard Tyler exhale a sharp sigh, which made him raise his eyes in her direction. The disappointment behind them made him frown. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, it's just..." She shrugged her shoulders and started her way towards the door. "...I've been telling you to come check for days—"

"Don't even start with me on that," Dante snapped, breaking that conversation since it was not what he wanted to think about at the moment.

She widened her arms. "It's the truth! Now Nate is gone and we don't know where he is and if he's still alive—"

"He's still fucking alive." The way he had said it with such rage and violence, as if he was a lion ready to hunt down its prey, sent chills along Tyler's spine. "I'll find him myself and slice the throat of everyone involved in this," he growled, his breathing growing heavier as he exhaled sharply, gritting his teeth.

Tyler slowly nodded her head, continuing her study of the room as her eyes glazed over every single aspect. The blanket was slightly off the bed, a clear sign that he had pushed himself off. However, she stopped when he heard Dante mumble, "That's a fingerprint." When Tyler approached, she saw the fingerprint he mentioned beside the head of Judith. There were a few of them, as if there had been a slight touch of a hand for a split second. "I'm guessing that Nate pushed himself up from the ground. Maybe that's his fingerprint."

"Oh, shit."

"What?" Dante raised an eyebrow, throwing the clothe on the side and standing to his feet.

Tyler bit her bottom lip, remembering how hard it had initially been for her and understand exactly what Nate was facing; it was going to be the darkest moment of his life where he may or may not lose all his sense of humanity and morality. "That means he witnessed his aunt dying in front of him, Dante."

Dante's eyes widened when it dawned on him, exhaling a curse and sending quivering fingers through his hair. The first time was always the worst; made people puke and disrupted their moral compass. Their thoughts would play with them, finding ways to cope with witnessing death and sometimes blaming themselves. "We have to find him. We need to find who could have possibly done this." He shrugged his shoulders and added, "I have too many enemies."

"I think I might know who."

Their gazes locked and Dante instantly bit his bottom lip after a sharp inhale, realizing what she was attempting to tell him. "You hid something from me."

Tyler sighed; she had been hiding a secret that had been shared to her by someone very familiar to the both of them. "I didn't want to involve mys—"

"Wait until our team is all together or else I'll be pissed." He began walking towards the exit. "I need to go get Raphael first."

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