Chapter 45 - Sleep Talker

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There were three things Nate had never expected from Dante.

They hadn't spent much time together other than being intimate, hence Nate never really had the chance to learn anything from Dante. However, after they had both been satisfied, Dante muffled a few incoherent words before pulling the blanket over his waist. His eyes had been droopy and glossy, and he blinked slowly a few times before they didn't reopen. There was no doubt that he was exhausted, probably hadn't slept a wink the night before, and the sudden loosening of his muscles and the release of his thoughts, even the use of all his energy, feeling drained from the weight that had been settled on his heart since last night, eased him enough to instantly shut his eyes.

His black hair was terribly messy as he cuddled the pillow as if it was his long lost soulmate, the side of his face squished into the silk pillowcase. Nate couldn't stop staring at the way his slightly parted lips opened and closed faintly with every of his inhales and exhales. He was so peaceful, almost as if this was Dante's purest state that he hid from everyone. He was a normal human, like anyone else, who craved being cared for and loved, to find someone he could cherish and attempt in building a life together.

The first thing Nate realized was that Dante was a very very deep sleeper. He slept through practically any sound he made, regardless if it was loud. The worst was that he slept through his touches as well. Nate had attempted to resist his urges to glide his finger across Dante's glistening sweaty flesh, but he couldn't for long. The way each muscles were defined and toned, each of his abs sharply lined—Nate needed to touch it. The first part he touched was his shoulder, lightly sliding his finger across his skin before eventually placing his entire rough palm on him. Dante's breathing didn't change at all, his eyes remaining closed.

Nate took a bigger risk and began touching his face, gliding his finger across his cheeks, then the bridge of his nose, even over his eyelids before settling them on his adored plumped pink lips. When he didn't feel any sign that Dante would wake up, Nate leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. Then, his cheeks, his forehead, his eyelids, and finally softly placing them on his lips. Afterwards, he let his lips reach his neck, then his chest before eventually laying his head on Dante's stomach and attempting to close his eyes as well and catch some sleep.

Sadly, he couldn't, because the second thing about Dante kept him awake. Dante was an unbelievable mover in his sleep. He shuffled almost every single second, maybe every other second. First he turned his head, then his arms, then he would kick in his sleep, then he would remain still for a short amount of time before restarting his war for comfort again, all while remaining asleep. Nate was almost elbowed on his nose while Dante moved, which made him chuckle, pushing himself off the bed and deciding to make himself a bowl of cereal instead.

When he returned from the kitchen with his bowl, he sat down in the bed beside Dante, pulling the blanket over his legs. However, his focus was diverted when he heard muffled sounds, and that was the third, most surprising fact about Dante.

He was a sleep talker.

How he found that out was a story that Nate didn't tell Dante, not yet at least. He was too embarrassed, nervous as to how Dante would react, hence he kept it to himself. He leaned in towards Dante, swallowing his food as he asked, "Did you say something?"

"Hmm...mmm..." It was still too low, and he shifted his entire body the other way which made it even harder to hear.

"What are you even saying?"

"I think...mmm..."

Nate rolled his eyes, shaking his head and returning his focus on his food. Until he finally heard what the sentence was and he choked on the cereal in his mouth.

"I think I love Nate."

He wasn't sure what think. The only reaction he had was to blurt out, "You love me?" It was sudden, a shock since they hadn't been dealing with one another for long. Knowing Dante liked him was one thing, but being in love was something completely different. It caused a sudden overwhelming warmth to make a spread of tingles through his skin.

Then he heard Dante's quiet slurred speech say, "Not me...Nate."

Nate furrowed his brows, leaning in towards Dante. There was no way he was still sleeping, but there was also no way Dante would have admitted that so soon. "Are you up?" Nate asked, even though he was already certain what the answer would be.

Dante was a deep sleeper, moved a lot, and was a sleep talker. And in his sleep, he admitted to loving him, without even knowing it.

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