Chapter 84 - Melle's Story Pt. II

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Melle had ended her story, but the bemused expressions on all their faces contradicted that belief. Dante glanced upwards to Draco—although he wanted to hear more, it was way too harsh on Nate who was still recovering from his injuries and his time stuck in an underground prison. This would only haunt him even more and Dante wanted it all to end before Nate had an irreversible mental psychosis.

However, Draco was not going to let that happen. "That doesn't give all the answers."

"I know," Melle breathed, tilting her head to the side. Nate was unrecognizable; his entire face had shifted to such a gloom that she could barely see the colours of his eyes. His frown had left and it was simply a blank stare, as if his mind was attempting to digest all that had been said but was unable to. "I think that's enough for him; he understands."

"That's not enough for me," Draco hissed without any hint of empathy. "Continue."

Melle exhaled a long sigh, letting the silence reign for a few seconds more. She hesitated, not knowing if this was going to help her survive or if she should let Draco kill her this instant, maybe to save Nate from more suffering. However, her survival instincts were unable to let his lips stay sealed.

"We were near the medical wing of the base. It wasn't really medical, we just called it that since that's where troop members went if they were injured on their missions." The memories were harsh on her as well, since she remembered that moment, not knowing if either of them would survive. "I laid her down and told her to start pushing since we were in a rush. It took some time but..."

It was as if the memories were throwing her into a daze. Even though she was staring at Nate, her mind was back in that room, when the baby was finally in her arms, crying to the point that it made tears fall from her face as well. In that moment, it felt as if the entire world had stopped. It was a strange feeling of serenity, her heart skipping a beat when she noticed the small fingers.

"...the delivery was successful. We both started to, Nathan, you were just..." she sniffled, chuckling through tears as she added, " were so beautiful." Even though Draco was not one for sob stories, he didn't interrupt her. Neither did Jake, who now felt guilty for the entering the room. "I couldn't stop just staring at you. You were just weightless and innocent and precious deserved something better than that base."

"I cut the umbilical cord. Threw off my shirt and wrapped you in it, even though that meant I was left half naked but I didn't care since you were protected. I told Judy that you would be alright and before I left the room. She called me back right before I left and told me she wanted you to be named Nathan."

Another pause silenced the room. "Judith was not your aunt Nate, she was your mother."

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