Chapter 28: Overconfidence

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TW: Violence, Cut wrists (Not SELF-harm), and blood. 


Crash! Kali throws the candle stand against the wall, the paint chipping and falling to the ground with the brass object. She screams loudly, her voice cracking as she pulls at her hair.

How can he say that? How can he really expect me to leave her to die? What is wrong with him? What is wrong with everyone in this kingdom?

She slams her arms on her dresser, sliding everything off, not flinching as her beauty objects clang to the floor. Looking in the mirror for a long moment, watching her eyes, she freezes.

What has been wrong with me this whole time? Am I really going to stay back and listen? Let someone tell me what to do? I'm tired of it, I'm tired of being hidden away, locked away. Too scared to stand up and do something.

She clenches her hands against the cool touch of the wooden counter, eyes darkening as she looks deeper into herself. I am the daughter of Cena, Queen of dragons. I will not run away this time. I was raised being called a sickness, that my powers were different and wrong. Well, I don't even have them, yet. But I will show them- I'm not a little girl anymore. I'll show them sickness.

She yanks open the drawer, tossing clothes all over the place until she finds her exercise clothes from sparring with the men. A black tee shirt, she tugs it over her head, her curls becoming a large mass on her hair from the electricity. She pulls out her pants as well, dark as the shirt, and tugs them on.

If he's not going to help me save Lily, then I'll do it myself. She pulls her shoes on, starting to strap her knife onto her side as a knock sounds from her door. She turns in time to see Harmony walk in, the human woman's eyes wide as she looks at Kali.

"What are you doing?" She frowns, walking closer as she observes Kali's outfit.

"Don't worry about it, Minnie." Kali bites her lip before walking up to the girl, looking down at her with a serious gaze. "I have a favor to ask you, no, I cannot ask. I am ordering you to do the favor."

Minnie frowns deeper, looking up at her mistress as she nods slowly, "what is it?"

"You cannot let it be known what I'm about to do," Kali says sternly.

"What is it that you're about to do?"

"Lily, the elf from yesterday, is missing. She is in danger, I must go find her. You cannot let anyone know that I'm going, do you understand? If someone asks, I am in my room asleep."

"What if something happens to you? I can't let you go out unattended, do you know what will happen if-" she sputters as Kali raises her hand.

"If I'm not back by midnight, go straight to Finn. Tell him what I'm doing, he will go to Altear. But until then, speak to no one. Do you understand?" Kali's fists clench as she tucks them behind her back. "Please, Harmony. I need to help her. If I don't she will die."

Harmony sighs, looking away with a distant look, "so be it. I will be breaking rules for you, you must come back alive."

"I intend for us both to come back alive. And anyway," Kali sneers, "fuck the rules. I'm tired of it. This kingdom isn't even run properly, it's run by an adult child that just does what he wants. This isn't a kingdom, it's a dictatorship with a perverted infant in the lead."


She rests her hands on Minnie's shoulders, leaning down to look at her in the eyes, "I'll be back. And if not, go to Finn, ok? Any punishment given, I'll protect you. Nothing will happen to you, I promise."

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