Chapter 20: Uncomfortable Encounters

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TW: Sexual assault, Victim Comforting, & Violence. 


He led her to the deeper parts of the castle, where the walls went from normal distasteful to absolutely gaudy. Guards lessened and lessened, each one being stationed farther and farther apart. As they passed each, the King gave a nod and simply said, "you're dismissed."

Her hands trembled as they made it down to the final room, large golden candles parallel on the door as they approached. "Once the ceremony ends, you will spend much time here. Your duties are very simple, and I think you'll find them to be the best in this kingdom."

"What exactly are my duties?" She asks softly, following him as he twists the knob and enters the room. Her eyes widen.

A large bed takes up most of the room, it's massive and the entire frame is made of solid gold. Crystals and rare gems decorate the headboard, a canopy of red silk dangles from above around it. It's extra, but beautiful. But the implications are starting to dawn on her as the color begins to leave her cheeks.

"You have the honor of being my new mistress. Usually, I would be forced to wait for the ceremony to give you the chance to enter my bed, but..." He moves behind her, pushing himself against her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "I just couldn't wait until then."

"You're highness, I-" her hands are shaking as she tries to pull away from him, but he holds onto her tightly.

"I've been wanting to feel you, to touch you since I first laid eyes on you..." His nose buries into her neck as he slides his tongue out, caressing her with it under her ear. "And taste you..."

Before she can react, his hands slide under her shirt, pulling it up and over her head. Her breasts bounce out, barely contained by her wrap as she rushes to cover herself with her hands. "Wait, King, No-"

He pushes her towards the bed, pushing her down onto her stomach as he leans over her, their lower bodies pressed together. I need to get out of her, I need to get out NOW.

She can feel something hard press against her ass, something from his front that is hard. Her heart is racing so fast, it's a fear she didn't expect to be worse. I'd rather be facing the bear than this.

His fingers trail down to her pants, slowly sliding inside of them, pulling them down. She freezes, her body too terrified to move as he gets them to her thighs.

"Don't be so tense, you'll need to get used to this, I'll maybe need to even keep you in my room for weeks after. Just to have my fill," he purrs, stopping on her pants temporarily to grab at the wrap around her breasts.

Run, run, RUN! Her mind screams at her, forcing her to push herself up, knocking him off to the side as she stumbles off the bed, pulling her pants up and holding an arm out to him. "Please..." she breathes out, "please, I want to leave."

He looks up at her, his glare stabbing daggers into her as he looks up at her. Her gaze lowers and she can see something sticking up in his pants, making her stomach turn and the feeling of nausea erupt inside of her. "What is this? Hard to get?"

He gets up and walks towards her. She tries to take a step back, but he grabs her arm roughly, pulling her to him. "I don't like playing games. Get on that bed now and strip."

"Let me go!" She screams, tears starting to burn her eyes again.

"You ungrateful..." He sneers down at her, "you want me to let you go?" He pulls her tighter to him, she struggles hard as their waists press together again, the feeling of him against her making her want to puke. "I'll let you go."

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