Chapter 26: Realizations

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Trigger warning: *Self love* scene/ Masturbation. Reference of murder and sexual abuse. 


Kali stirs in her bed a couple hours after Dakki and Mara departed, her cheeks flush and her body heating up as she rolls onto her back. Her mind is reeling, the alcohol easing its way from her body leaving a mild feeling of heaviness over her.

Eyes fluttering open, she looks up at the ceiling. She holds her head with her hand, nose scrunching as she tries to think of how she ended up in bed.

That awful woman was forcing my clothes off, I told her to stop... then she pushed me. Kali scoffs a little, turning to make sure her room is empty, what a bitch, can't believe she pushed me.

Her eyes close slightly, sticky hair glued to her forehead as she takes a breath, it was still a nice night, though. Everything that happened...

What does this mean for us now? We opened up this door and it's not like I can stay here forever, not like I even have the time to see where this goes. Ugh, but his lips... his hands moving all over me...

She shifts a little, her hand tenderly, hesitantly, moving to her own chest. A noise escapes her throat as she slowly cups herself, something she had never really thought to do before, something that she had never thought to experiment. His hands were warmer than her own, firm and calloused as they squeezed and kneaded against her soft flesh, fingers pinching her sensitive budding nipple.

Mimicking his motions prior, she sucks in a breath, arching her back a little as the familiar fire builds up inside of her, a pulse in her lower body that threatens, urges her to let it consume her.

An itch that can't be scratched, a feeling gnawing at her begging her to give in, but to what?

"Fuck it," she says to herself outloud, sitting up in her head as she quickly pulls her binding off, flinging it off to the side; her panties following right after. Collapsing back onto the lush sheets, she takes another deep breath, hands timid as she slides one down her stomach, leading farther down until her fingertips are met with the bare spot between her legs.

She bites her bottom lip as she takes her time, feeling the area, warm tips exploring the outer parts of her womanhood before sliding between the lips, doing the same as he experiments with the feelings.

A small gasp shakes from her as her fingers glide over a small little bump above her slit, something she vaguely recalls learning about in her anatomy studies. Her head rolls back as she presses on it slightly, rubbing a gentle, small circle around it, the pleasure making her tense as a chill runs up her spine, a forceful shiver overcoming her. She lifts her fingers up to her mouth, sucking on them a little bit, making them wet before moving her hand back under the blanket.

The lubrication allows her motions to be more fluid, the initial rough texture becoming more addicting as her mind starts to fixate elsewhere, her fingers continuing their circular dance.

Imagining rougher hands, coarser fingers gliding over her. Brown eyes looking down at her, the warm gaze of them as they glide across her body, examining her and savoring every inch. His soft lips trailing kisses over her like he did, nipping and licking at her neck and the soft hums of his groan in her ear.

She can't help but move her hand faster, the movement swaying back and forth on her small nub as her body fills heavier and heavier with a pressure that begs to explode.

Finn's hands, his lips, his touch. The way his eyes sparkle when he smiles, his dimples showing deep on his tanned cheeks and the small wrinkle on his nose. His deep voice, how hoarse it sounded after kissing her, after devouring her mouth with his own.

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