Chapter 13: Growing Admirations

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Unable to sleep, Fae goes downstairs into the kitchen. The sun will be rising soon, so she starts to make a pot of tea. Starting a fire under the stove, she waits for the pot of water to boil. Kali should be awake soon for her punishment with Altear, so Fae starts to chop vegetables, green onions and peppers sprawled out on the counter as she cuts them one by one. Once they're done she wraps them in a dough she had prepped the night before, sliding them into the now warmed oven.

Morning time is always her favorite, when it's still dark, getting to see the sunrise over the horizon and the birds start to sing. She's been in this Kingdom for 5 years, having searched the first 4 years on every continent for Kali before settling here. She felt it was right, felt in her bones that this is where she needed to be. She was relieved that her instincts were right, happy that she found the child that now wields the body of a young woman.

How long it's been since the time of her nightmare, how desperate she was to find the daughter her friend begged her to protect. She's under my care now, I will never leave her from my sight again. But...

I need to know. Something happened in the woods that night before Nva brought them here. I can always ask them... but which one? Kali and Dakki would both know, but which one can handle the pain more? Fae bites her lip, looking down at the water pot now boiling. She sighs and pours it into her favorite mug, dropping a tea bag inside as she leans against the counter.

Her mind is still screaming at her, questioning everything it can think of. I can do the ritual, I can go into their memories. But it could re-traumatize them...

She closes her eyes, the smell of lavender and rose wafting up from the cup in her hands.

"What do I do, my friend?" She says below a whisper.

"Fae!" Kali calls out, footsteps running clumsily down the hall and into the kitchen. The purpled haired girl, with the same heart shaped face as her mother, smiles brightly at Fae as she puts her hands up excitedly.

"Quick, does Finn have a girlfriend?" She blurts out, causing Fae to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Excuse me?" She laughs a little, "that is random, no he doesn't? Wait, Kali, shouldn't you be getting ready to go to the castle? Are you really risking being late to your punishment just to ask me that?"

Kali pouts a little, causing Fae to smile. "I'm just asking... anyway, I am ready!"

Fae jumps up on the counter, crossing her legs and placing her cup on her knee. She looks Kali up and down, seeing her in shorts to her knees and a baggy shirt. "You're ready? Wearing that? You know it's cold and raining outside, right?"

"I mean, this is ok, isn't it?" Kali looks down and looks at her shirt. "He's probably going to make me run or do something gross and awful, don't you think?"

"Knowing Altear, he'll make you do something else. He'll want you ready as well. At least put on a proper coat and proper pants, ok? Something sturdy in case you're outside for a while.

"Oh come on, my legs are fine-"

"No buts, go change into normal clothing, then come back down and grab breakfast before heading out, ok?" Fae smiles as Kali groans.

"Ugh, fine!" She turns to leave, but Fae stops her again.

"Hey, don't spend too much time chasing men. You're not here to find a boyfriend." She raises her eyebrow and grins as Kali's face turns red.

"Me? Chase men? Never! Anyway, it's Finn, I mean, come on, I just wanted to know if a girl could even stand him... And he's so old, he's like... 26 or something, I would never..."

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