Chapter 16: Cravings

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Trigger Warnings: Vulgar Language, Violence, Death, Child Death, Horniness (is this a tw? idk, putting it.) 

"Oooh, fuck that, no no no," she looks around frantically, grabbing her sword in her hand before she rushes to the back of the cave, taking shelter behind a large boulder in the corner. "That is not something I want to mess with."

Peeking out into the cave, Kali watched intently. A large form is in the mouth, stalking inside slowly and with purpose. She bends her neck more, trying to get a better look, right as it enters the ring of light.

A large bear with brown fur, dark brown eyes and teeth the length of her dagger in her boots looks up, sniffing the air. Dried, dark patches of blood coat around it's maw and feet, a gash down the side of it's left front limb beginning to scab.

She leans lower to the ground, her eyes not leaving it as it's sniffs become more aggressive, moving it's head around slowly.

It's not a bear... Her heart races faster, watching the behavior of the creature, it's eyes staring at the fire, then searching the room. A bear would smell me immediately, this thing is trying to figure out what I am. It's thinking.

"What... are... you?" A deep rumble barely swims through the air, the sounds of the crackling fire almost hiding it. Kali holds her breath, not wanting to even make a move.

It's not a bear! It's not a bear!

"Why are you hiding? Should I come to you instead?" It's head turns directly at her, eyes beginning to glow yellow in the firelight. Her hands tremble as she pushes herself up against the boulder, legs fighting to stay sturdy as she looks it in the eyes.

"You're not an animal." She says, near a whisper, gaining a head shake in response, it's ears flapping as it digs it's claws into the ground.

"What does that mean for us both, then?"

"Why are you killing humans?" She takes a step forward, pausing when it huffs out a breath, swatting the ground with it's unscathed paw.

"Stay where you are." The tone is deep and low, a warning. "They kill each other, why does it matter if I do it, too?"

Even if it's not an animal, it doesn't like me moving closer. It did a bluff swipe... Maybe I can deter it's animalistic side.

Kali raises her arms up, stretching them high above her head. "You can't just kill people. Are you starving? Why do you do it?"

It squints it's eyes at her, "I enjoy it. Are you here to stop me, creature?"

She takes another step, puffing her chest out a little. "I want to reason with you. Leave this area. Leave the humans alone, and we won't have a problem."

It huffs again, lunging slightly forward to swipe at the ground again, "I will do no such thing. These are my lands, not yours. You cannot tell me what I can and cannot do."

"You cannot justify useless murder!" She raises her voice, taking another step forward.

"You do not know these creatures, Princess." Kali freezes, her eyes widening. "Do you know of what they do?"

"What..." She lowers her arms, frowning. "Why did you call me that? What do you mean?"

"You really expect me not to know? I'm more surprised that you don't know. Tell me, daughter of Cena, what would your mother think of you hiding away? Her daughter hanging around humans instead of taking her throne?"

Kali's hands are shaking, her frown deepening as she bites her lip, "My mother doesn't need me to take the throne. She doesn't need anyone to take whats hers."

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