Chapter 17: Threats and Understanding

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TW: Mention of rape, Mention of Child Sexual Assault 


"Is someone going to explain to me why my new priestess is going on a mission?" King Ryer's voice rings out, a glare creasing his face as he looks down on the guards.

Dakki shifts his hands anxiously behind his back, his eyes moving hesitantly between Altear and Alana standing in front of him. The King sits on his throne, legs crossed as he sits up straight, looking down on them. Alana's long blonde hair falls in braids, contrasting her dark, smooth skin.

"For her protection we wanted her to train alongside the guards-" Altear starts, before getting cut off.

"And for her to be set off on a mission with that treacher? What is the purpose of them going together?" Ryer sneers.

"It is her first mission, and a disciplinary one at that. Finn is our best soldier, she is the safest under his care." Altear holds a solid tone, not faltering.

"There is no reason for her to be doing missions! Nor is there any reason for her to be receiving disciplinaries. Why is she even in this position if she is not going to be doing her duties? What was the point of putting her in?" He scrunches his nose.

"If you wish for me to extract her from the Kingdom, your highness..." Dakki tilts his head, looking at the blonde-dreaded haired man before him.

"That is not necessary," the King leans forward, "I wish for her to join my harem. She obviously isn't even doing her priestess training. I can put her into a better position."

"She is training, your highness. She is training with the herbalist Fae as well-"

"I have been keeping a very strict watch on her, your highness," Alana finally speaks up, her hands red behind her back from wringing them so tightly. "She should be fine in her arrangement. If you wish for us to take her out of guard training then it can be done."

Thank you, Alana. Dakki lets out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

"That will not do," The King lifts up his chin, "when she returns, you will send her to me."

"Your highness, she is only a child. She is nine-teen years old, she isn't fit to be-" Altear sputters out, struggling to hold his composure.

"Age is not a concern, she will become my new mistress. As soon as she returns-"

"Your high-" Altear clenches his fists, but Alana steps forward.

"Don't be so quick, your highness. What would people say if you took a mistress without a proper ceremony? We would need at least a week to plan it and prepare."

The King sighs loudly, leaning back in his chair as he ponders for a moment. "So be it. Alana, make the preparations. Altear, when the girl returns you are to take her from the guard training. And she will be moved into the harem's quarters with Cana." His dark brown eyes move to Dakki. "You, soldier..."

King Ryer stands from his throne, pacing with his hands behind his back. "Send a message to Cana about the arrival of the new girl. She will need to do many preparations for her new sister."

Who the fuck is Cana? Dakki forces a smile. "Yes, sir."

"Next week will be the ceremony. It will happen without fail, do you understand?" The King's heavy gaze lands on the three of them again, a darkness smothering his brown irises.

"Yes, your highness." Altear and Alana say in unison, bowing. Dakki quickly follows their actions, despite a weight sitting in his stomach.

Only a week? That's all the time we have?

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