Chapter 4: Nothing Left to Grab

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The relationship between Kali and Dakki has been complicated for many years now. A far jump from the normal friendship, something bordering servant- master with a lot more comfort and respect. He's bound to her on a level deeper than spiritual, his soul belongs to her; literally and figuratively. Her powers bound him to her, the binding having been made upon his near death as a child. The night they left their home, he gave himself to her forever. When he is summoned, he breathes for her, lives for her. When they fight they feel each other's pain. Share anxiety, share injuries and emotions. That's why now, as she stands isolated in the dining hall, a sea of brown hair and red uniforms around, he shares her nervousness. His fire shaking and stirring inside of her as her own hands tremble.

Altear and Tate ran off, promising to return quickly as she is expected to settle herself into the mass of the room alone. She's not sure where to go, not sure what to do. Remaining frozen in the doorway looking into the tackily decorated room- a theme she is starting to see with this castle. Gold glitters every wall, red dangling from every ceiling. Attempts at showing class and riches, but only succeeding in appearing to have a tasteless atmosphere.

"Are you going to eat or just stand in the way?" A voice says from behind her, and she can already feel irritation replacing her initial emotions.

Turning, she nearly bumps into Finn, looking down at her with an annoyed expression. "Do you expect someone to serve you? We don't do that here, you have to actually do things on your own."

She ignores him, turning back around as she searches the room.

"Ignoring me?" He persists.

"Sorry, are you talking to me?" She asks, looking over her shoulder.

He frowns, "come on." He walks past her, brushing her shoulder.

She stays where she is, crossing her arms. Turning back to her he rolls his eyes, "do you want food or not? I'll show you how to get it..."

"I thought I was a useless liability?" She looks him up and down. As handsome as he is, she really doesn't want to deal with his attitude.

He stares at her for a long moment, looking her over as well, then scoffs. "Whatever, come or not. It's not my problem." He pauses again, "we're having meat for dinner."

Kali keeps a straight face, "what kind of meat?" Her stomach growls a little at the thought. She hasn't eaten for 2 days now, having been interrupted the night before.

Finn holds in a smile, "let's go check..."

She follows behind him as he leads her over to a table, sitting down next to some other men. They eye her up, looking between her and her not so pleasant companion.

"General, who is the lady?" One of them asks, light brown eyes staring her down intensely.

"She will be in training with all of you, keep to yourselves." Finn responds simply, looking around for someone. He makes a gesture, holding up two fingers, at a man across the room. "Sit," he orders Kali.

Biting her lip, she begrudgingly listens, not really enjoying doing what he says, even though it's not like it's really something to argue on. "If it's as simple as sitting and making a hand gesture, then you grossly exaggerated how difficult this is."

"From now on you can be alone, then." He doesn't look at her as he sits one chair away.

She rolls her eyes and sets her elbows on the table, holding her chin in her hand.

"Where did Altear drag you in from?" Finn asks, not looking at her.

"Are you really curious?" She looks at him.

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