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Back in Midvale Kara is finishing up her classes and heading to her locker to drop off her books since she and Winn managed to do all their homework during their extended lunch period. Now she can focus on softball practice which will be the last one before the championship game in a week. Sports bag slung over her shoulder she heads to the bathroom to change into her practice uniform and walk down the field. "Hey Lacey!" She called out as she saw her best friend walking her way. "Hey Kara! I'm still stuck out of sports for a while but I've come to watch practice and do my homework." The junior stated. "Well I'm glad somebody will be watching. Lee, Alex and Maggie have been super busy this past week. It's there finals week." Kara explained. "Oh shit! How are they handling it?" Lacey asked. "From what I heard from Lena it's hard. They're up early, staying out late studying all week long, eating greasy foods. Lena's ready for today to be over so they can come here again." Kara added not wanting to talk about Lena's plan to whisk them away for a post graduation trip.

"That's understandable. So what's the plans for your graduation party?" Lacey asked. "Im not sure yet, but as soon as I know I'll text you all the details. Enjoy the practice!" Kara stated as she dropped her bag behind the tall fence wall before running over to join her teammates. The practice was long and grueling for the girls but no matter how much sweat dripped off their foreheads the girls did all the drills until the coach said otherwise. When it was over Lacey was long gone, her mom having come along to pick her up. Sighing Kara walked to Eliza's car and got in all sweaty. "Good practice?" Eliza asked. "Yea. It was long but it's the last one till the championship." Kara replied with a smile.

After a long shower and dinner Kara sat in her room preparing to write another draft of her valedictorian speech when her phone lit up with Lena's face on the screen. Quickly she grabbed it and answered it with a smile on her face. "Hey Lee!" Kara exclaimed. "Hey Kar! How was practice?" Lena asked. "Good, long but good. How was your LAST exam?" Kara asked. "Oh was so long! But it's over now! And tomorrow morning we'll be heading to your house, and just in time for your senior project night! Gosh it's been so long! I miss you so much! I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again!" Lena said with a smirk on her lips.

"I can't wait either Lee! I miss you sooooo much!" Kara replied with a smile. "What about us?" Maggie chimed in. "Yea? What about your sister? Your only sister?" Alex groaned. "Guys! Guys! I miss you too! But I miss Lena more!" Kara shouted. "Ohhh! We see how it is little Danvers! You wound us with your words! You start dating Lena and we your life mentors go so to the wayside! Alex! Do you hear that? We've been tossed aside." Maggie whined. "After all the things we taught you over the years...all the relationship advice we gave you willingly...tossed aside for Lena...as if we mean nothing to you! Oh Kara! How could you?" Alex whined teasingly at her younger sister. Kara rolled her eyes as they walked off into the living room still fake crying. "They're ridiculous!" Kara groaned. "They just love you, just like I do. Have you eaten yet love?" Lena asked. "Yes Eliza made a pot roast and all the trimmings. It was really good!" Kara replied. "Good! We're having pasta tonight trying to use up our leftovers before we leave in the morning." Lena explained. "What about rent? Won't you have to pay rent on the house?" Kara asked.

Lena went silent for a moment. "No..there's no rent on the house..." Lena stated. "What?" Kara asked surprise in her voice. "It's mine. I bought it and after making friends with Alex and Maggie I had them move in too." Lena explained. "Wow! That's amazing!" Kara exclaimed. "Yea...remember billionaire...it'll be a good investment property after I graduate. I'll rent it to other college students at an affordable price of course." Lena stated. "Wait? After you graduate? Where will I go?" Kara asked. "I thought you'd move in with me. My family's mansion is just outside of town, only a fifteen minute drive to the university. That is if you want to." Lena replied. "LEE! A mansion! Of course I'll live with you! You're my girlfriend why wouldn't I want to live with you? That way I can have you help me prepare for my exams!" Kara replied. Lena couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend. "Good! It's settled then after I graduate you'll just move in with me." Lena stated.

A little while later the women were lying in bed and still talking. "It's getting late darling, we both should hang up and get some sleep." Lena replied. "Mmmm I know...I can't wait for tomorrow to get here...when will you get here again?" Kara asked stifling a yawn. "Around ten in the morning. Alex wants to leave at four, so we can stop and get breakfast on the way." Lena stated. "Ok! Well good night then Lee, I love you! And be prepared to get jumped on when you get here!" Kara's words caused Lena to chuckle.

"I look forward to it darling! Good night my love, sleep well." Lena replied as she blew kisses at the blonde who was returning the gesture before hanging up the phone.

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