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Sometime in the middle of the night Lena felt arms wrap around her waist pulling her back. Once she realized it was Kara she instantly relaxed letting a soft moan escape from her lips. "Mmphm..." Kara groaned as she tightened her arm around Lena who was now trying hard to keep her moans stifled. 'I can get used to this!' Lena told herself as she fluttered her eyes as she fell back asleep.

Come morning Kara woke up to see Lena lying across her chest still asleep. Gently Kara moved from the bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready for school. When she got back into her room she saw Lena sitting up in bed. "Good morning Kara!" Lena greeted with a smile. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" Kara asked. "Yes I did. Did you?" She asked. "Yea, just gotta get ready for school now." Kara state as she began looking through her closet. Lena watched the blonde pull out a tank top, and jeans. Once they were on she watched her grabbed a hoodie and her backpack. "You coming? Mom won't care if you're in pajamas. You can borrow my shorts to cover up." Kara stated.

"Thank you Kara, I'll be right behind you. Won't you be cold in that?" She asked. "Oh no, I'll be ok it's a short walk." She replied heading out the bedroom door. Lena pulled on Kara's gym shorts and followed her downstairs. In the kitchen sat everyone in their pajamas except for Kara and Eliza who were dressed up. "You three gonna be ok for the day?" Eliza asked looking at them. "Yea, I think we'll be alright. Little Danvers will you want a ride?" Maggie asked. "Nah, I'll be ok." She replied as she ate her toast.

Kara was the first one to finish her large plate of food before saying 'bye' to everyone and walking out the door. "Does she always eat that much?" Lena asked in shock. "Oh that's nothing. She can eat a whole pizza and a bag of potstickers alone." Alex stated. "Well ladies have a good day! I'll see you all later." Eliza said as she grabbed her coffee and walked out the front door as well.

After breakfast Alex and Maggie did the dishes while Lena went to shower and get dressed even though she had no plans on going anywhere today. She knew Maggie and Alex had plans today and she opted to stay here.

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