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[2 months after Salem's death]

3rd POV

Much has changed after Y/n killed Salem. Oscar became the headmaster of Beacon, guided by Ozpin. Vergil and Y/n had gone out to explore the continent, but not together. Nero continued to live with Kyrie while Glynda and Dante continued to live in Devil May Cry. Raven and Summer moved back into the Xiao Long household. Winter became the new headmaster for Atlas and the new head of Atlas' military. Cinder, Mercury and Emerald joined Oscar in Beacon as teachers for the new generation of Huntsmen and Huntresses. Weiss and Blake stayed in Vale ever since that day with occasional visits to their home and families. The current day was December 24th, nearly 10:00 at night. Dante was in his office in Devil May Cry with his feet on his desk and a magazine covering his face. Nero walked into his office.

Dante: Could've at least called ahead, Nero.

Nero: I could've. Uh, you got any plans for Christmas?

Dante: Christmas? Huh, forgot that was even a thing.

Nero: C'mon, I mean, I'm here, Vergil's here, Y/n's here. I was thinking we could spend Christmas together. 

Dante: I don't see the point. You've got your own family to have Christmas with.

Nero: You guys are family too.

Dante sits up before taking the magazine off his face.

Dante: You're stubborn. What's making you wanna do this so much?

Nero: It's the least I can do after finding out I have a family.

Dante: What would we really do?

Nero: Uh, Christmas, um, presents? Hang out with each other?

Dante: I don't really care for this kind of stuff, I doubt Y/n and Vergil would either.

Nero: I could try ask 'em.

Dante: *sigh* Alright, if you can convince them, I'm onboard.

Nero: Alright, I'll, uh, give 'em a call.

Nero walks out of the office and into the hallway before taking out his scroll and calling Vergil and Y/n. After a second they both answer.

Nero: Hey guys!

Vergil: *phone* Why did you call on such short notice?

Nero: I was wondering if you both would like to join Dante and I for Christmas this year.

Y/n: *phone* Why not? It's not like Vergil and I have anywhere better to be.

Vergil: *phone* Very well.

Nero: Sweet. Meet Dante and I in Devil May Cry tomorrow night.

Y/n: *phone* See you then.

They both hang up then Nero puts his scroll in his pocket. He walks back into Dante's office and they begin talking about what they might do tomorrow.


The day was now December 25th 9:32PM. Dante and Nero were back in Dante's office waiting for Vergil and Y/n and after an hour of waiting Y/n and Vergil both walk through the door, Y/n still had the Sparda on his back and Yamato in his left hand.

Vergil: Let us get to the point. What do you intend to do?

Nero: I was just talking to Dante, I was thinking you guys could share some ideas.

Vergil: What do people even do on Christmas day?

Y/n: *sigh* Right, you only know of the day but not the traditions.

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