Chapter 1

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I walked through the empty streets of Vale while being guided by the shine of the moon. I had Yamato in hand while walking through the streets but I hear footsteps behind me so I stop and look over my shoulder at the figure. I was able to make out detail of the figure, they had whiteish grey hair, greed clothes and a cane. Upon realization on who it was I continue walking.

Ozpin: Hello, Y/n.

I stop walking and turn around to face Ozpin.

Y/n: Ozpin. What is it you want from me?

Ozpin: I want you to join Beacon.

Y/n: Ozpin, how foolish are you to seek me out for more than three years only to invite me to your academy.

Ozpin: I have done many foolish things over the years, but I don't believe this to be one of them.

Y/n: Why not search for my uncle?

Ozpin: No one knows where he has gone and your father is helping... some bad people.

Y/n: I know you're talking about her. I am more than aware of her, the artifacts and the Maidens.

Ozpin: Then you know she has the upper hand in power.

Y/n: And you know how dangerous my bloodline is. My two living relatives are two of the strongest people in history. The only reason my father is helping her is because she offers him power. I already have enough to do with finding my uncle and stopping my father.

Ozpin: If you join my academy we can do both.

I weigh the many different outcomes and they all end with confronting my father at one of the four academies, some outcomes with my uncle others without. I sigh knowing I may be the only way to stop her and my father.

Y/n: I will join your academy. But I have demands I wish for you to meet.

Ozpin: I will be more than happy to oblige.

Y/n: Firstly, I see any form of discriminations or hate toward faunus I will deal with it how I please. Second, I want to be on a team by myself, I work best alone. Lastly, I want to not have to wear your uniforms.

Ozpin: They will be met. You will be starting tomorrow so I encourage you come with me back to Beacon.

He begins walking and I follow him toward a bullhead that would take us to Beacon. While on the bullhead Ozpin said I will be placed under the team name of DEVL. The bullhead continues to fly toward Beacon while Ozpin gave me details on the upcoming Vytal Festival and a plan to bring my uncle to us

Ozpin: I have a plan that may work to bring your uncle to us instead of us going to him.

Y/n: And that is...?

Ozpin: If he were to see you fight in the Vytal Festival, he would come straight to you.

Y/n: Hm, that may work. But I believe I should talk to my uncle before you make a deal with him.

Ozpin: I will try but I make no promises.

He begins walking and I follow him toward a bullhead that would take us to Beacon. While on the bullhead Ozpin said I will be placed under the team name of DEVL. The bullhead continues to fly toward Beacon while Ozpin gave me details on the upcoming Vytal Festival and a plan to bring my uncle to us

Ozpin: I have a plan that may work to bring your uncle to us instead of us going to him.

Y/n: And that is...?

Ozpin: If he were to see you fight in the Vytal Festival, he would come straight to you.

Y/n: Hm, that may work. But I believe I should talk to my uncle before you make a deal with him.

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