Chapter 18

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Everyone was walking toward Haven Academy because Dante has a friend that can answer some questions for us. We enter the main entrance of the building and find it completely empty other than two people inside looking around.

Y/n: Yang? Weiss?

They both turned around and were frozen from shock. They both ran at me and hugged me tightly before hugging Ruby who was stood next to me.

Y/n: When did you both get here?

Yang: Last night. We came here looking for you and Ruby and, well...

Weiss: We found you!

They hug both Ruby and I tightly before letting go and looking at the others. Yang and Raven made direct eye contact.

Y/n: I know you two have some issues but we have a bigger task at hand.

Oscar: *Ozpin* Indeed, Dante has a friend that can answer some ques-

Dante: *holding the relic* Got 'er.

Everyone except Y/n looks at him dumbfounded, mostly Raven and Ozpin.

Oscar: *Ozpin* How did you-

Dante: I found it.

Raven: That doesn't explain how you opened the fucking vault!

Dante: It's a door. Doors open, Rae.

He holds the relic and rubs the side of it and a blue woman appeared from out of it. She looked at Y/n and Dante.

Dante: Hey, Jinn!

Jinn: Dante, Y/n. I hope you both are well.

Dante: We are, thanks. You mind if we get a few free questions?

Jinn: Anything for my friends.

Dante: Thanks. So-

Ruby: Why is Vergil so power hungry?

Jinn: Vergil Sparda, son of Sparda the Dark Knight, is power hungry due to an event that orphaned him and Dante at the young age of eight. He swore to himself he would never let his family be taken from him again.

Ruby: Is there a way for Y/n to avoid fighting Vergil?

Jinn: Y/n Sparda must fight Vergil Sparda in the most destructive duel in Remnants history. The only outcome is their confrontation in Haven Academy and the destruction of Mistral.

Dante: Ok, now that's done. Jinn, what's Salem's real goal with Force Edge?

Jinn: Salem's true intention with Force Edge is to wipeout all life on Remnant and to have all life restart but worship her as the one true god. There are two outcomes and they both rely on what happens in-

Hazel: Well, seems like the relic will be easier to get then we thought.

We all turn around and see Hazel, Tyrian, Dr. Watts and Leonardo Lionheart. Tyrian looks at Emerald, Mercury and Cinder with pure rage and anger

Tyrian: You three?! You traitors!

Emerald: Better than being Salem's lap dogs!

Qrow: Leo, what the fuck?!

Leonardo looked away in shame. Hazel, Tyrian and Watts were about to attack but something broke through the roof and landed in the center of the room throwing us all into the walls. I get up and look at who it was.

Y/n: Vergil.

Vergil: We meet again.

Nero: That's dad?!

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