Chapter 4

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I finish dancing with Ruby who was the last of the girls. They all seemed to enjoy themselves alot and I also did enjoy myself. Ruby and Weiss were talking, Yang, Blake and I were talking to Sun and Neptune and all was going well tonight. I hear laughter behind me and when I turn around I see something even Sparda himself could never have seen coming.

Y/n: Jaune, what are you wearing?

Jaune: Let's say I lost a bet.

Blake: That much is clear.

He walks to Pyrrha who bursts out laughing before the two begin to dance and being joined by Nora and Ren. They all dance in sync to the music that is being played. I must say I am impressed by the coordination between the team to get the moves done that quickly and smoothly. Once their little dance is over the music switches and I decide to steal the show.

(You instead of Dante and you don't get the hat or scarf)

Once I finish my dance I have the whole ballroom cheering and clapping. I smirk before walking outside to get some fresh air, but upon exiting the ballroom I am met with the sight of a woman in black clothing jumping from building to building in the distance. I know that she only brings bad news so I run in the direction she was headed in which seemed to be Beacon Tower. When I arrive at the front of Beacon Tower I see a guard in the bushes either knocked out or dead, so I take it upon myself to go inside but the sight I am met with is more guards on the floor. I notice one of the guards has a burn mark on his arm.

Y/n: Hmm, fire dust, perhaps?

I stand and walk to the elevator, I press the communications button before the elevator begins rising to that level. The elevator reaches the level it stood at and I was met with the same woman in black standing opposite me. I walk out of the elevator while we continue to stare each other down. Her aura did feel strong, but so much weaker than mine. I walk toward her and she backs away from what seemed like fear. I reach for Yamato until she throws fire at me which I dodge before reappearing behind her. I his the woman with the sheath sending her flying into a wall and when she hit the floor her aura broke completely.

Y/n: Such power within you, yet you are unaware how to use it. I thought the Fall Maiden knew how to control her powers, even the little amount she has.

The womans eyes widen from behind her mask as she creates two scimitars from fire and stands in a ready stance, I too stand ready to battle the figure. She ran at me but stopped and shot a fireball at the glass window causing it to shatter. Suddenly, Ozpin and Ironwood come out from the elevator to see the woman escaping through the broken window. I return to my normal stance before walking to the broken window where the woman was nowhere to be seen and I highly doubt the fall would've killed her. I look back at Ozpin and Ironwood who were confused about the situation that had just occurred.

[time skip]

I finish telling Ironwood, Ozpin, Goodwitch and a guy named Qrow about the woman last night. They were all shocked at how she has come of the Fall Maidens power.

Qrow: So we know the Fall Maidens power had been stolen by this aggressor that Y/n had encountered last night. What about the other Maidens?

Y/n: There is something I had not revealed to you all about my uncle. He has tabs on the location of every Maiden except Fall.

Qrow nearly choked on his drink he was amazed at what I just said as was everyone else in the room.

Ozpin: You mean your uncle has tabs on the three other Maidens?

Y/n: Yes, and that includes the Summer Maiden who I believe Qrow was very close with.

Qrow: She's alive?! Summer's alive?!

Ironwood: Ozpin, his uncle is top priority now.

Ozpin: Which is why we will stick to the plan that Y/n and I have agreed upon. Y/n will fight in the tournament and that will draw in his uncle. As long as none of Ironwoods men attack him.

Ironwood: Unless he attacks first.

Y/n: Do you want your men do die? Then do not have them attack him or else they will die infront of hundreds. I will see myself out.

I slash a portal open and walk infront of it before I look back at the others. I walk through the portal and come out in RWBY's dorm where the team were standing at the door awaiting my return until they saw me exit a portal behind them. They all ran at me and tackled me into a tight embrace. Once they notice they were all ontop of me they quickly got off with a large blush on their faces. Once they collected themselves Yang decided to speak up.

Yang: So, how'd it go?

Ozpin POV

Once Y/n had walked through the portal Ironwood and Qrow seemed like they had alot on their minds and when Ironwood thinks of something it usually means force.

Ozpin: James, what ever you are planning it will not be the case.

Ironwood: I am simply thinking of a backup plan if your plan fails.

Goodwitch: What, are you going to send your men across Vale and detain Y/n's uncle and force him to join our side?

Ironwood: It's the only viable option if your plans fails!

Ozpin: May I remind you Y/n is a descendent of Sparda, the most powerful devil to walk Remnant, which means that Y/n's father and uncle are the sons of him therefore Y/n's bloodline rivals her power. Shows of power will only end in more casualties than needed. The plan will work, James, you just have to trust me.

Ironwood: This better not be a mistake, Ozpin.

He walks to the elevator and leaves my office leaving it with just Glynda, Qrow and I.

Ozpin: I too hope I am not making a mistake.

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