Chapter 20

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It had been a few days since what went down in Anima. The entire continent had been evacuated for safety reasons. Nero, Vergil and I were in Devil May Cry having some drinks and half the time Glynda was trying to get Nero to stop drinking.

Glynda: For the last time, Nero. STOP DRINKING!

Nero: Never!

Vergil: How come you're more like your uncle?

Y/n: I wonder that, too.

Nero downs another shot of whisky while Vergil and I sat in plastic chairs with some Monster Energy. Dante kept hold of the relic ever since we got it from the vault making sure none of Salem's goons got ahold of it. Cinder, Mercury and Emerald have been staying close to the other Maidens for protection against Salem. Vergil and I took a sip of our Monster Energy before RWBY and JNPR walked into the bar.

Vergil: Greetings.

They look at Vergil and I confused on why were were sitting on plastic chairs in a bar that had multiple booths.

Yang: Uh, what's with the chairs?

Y/n: It motivates us.

Blake: What about the Monster?

Vergil: Motivation.

Y/n: Cheers to that.

Vergil: Indeed.

We tap their cans together before taking a sip from our cans. JNR walk to Glynda and ask for some of the less alcoholic beverages while RWBY sat in the booth next to Vergil and Y/n.

Ruby: It's still so cool you guys managed to split a continent in half!

Vergil: That was the early stages of our battle aswell.

Y/n: We had enough power to possibly destroy the continent instead of separate it.

Blake: Enough of that. Vergil, what is Salem's castle like? Does it have defenses? Any weaknesses?

Vergil: The castle is merged with a Qliphoth tree. A tree that grows in the Underworld. The defenses? Demons and Grimm of ungodly numbers. The only way inside is through the front door, and even then, her throne room is high up within the confines of the Qliphoth. But if she is not in possession of the Force Edge then she will be much easier to deal with.

Dante then walks inside with the relic in his coat. He walks to the counter and asks Glynda for the regular Devil's Bite. Just as he sits next to Nero, the four Maidens walk in with Emerald, Oscar and Mercury.

Summer: We have a plan on how to take down Salem!

Dante: And what's this great and wonderful plan that will totally not fail?

After he said that, Glynda smacked him on the back of his head causing him to rub it in pain.

Summer: I was thinking, Cinder and I could convince the White Fang to lend us all their troops to help fight against Salem while Winter and Raven rally all the remaining forces from Atlas so we can do a full siege on her castle!

Oscar: *Ozpin* It may work but their is a high risk of losing hundreds of soldiers in the process.

Winter: As long as Salem is brought down, I believe Atlas will be willing to do whatever it takes.

Vergil: A full frontal assault on her castle? I would've expected this plan to come from Dante.

Dante: Hey!

Y/n: That could work. But what are the chances that the White Fang and Atlas would actually help us fight something they have no idea about?

Summer: Hehe, about that...

Winter: We already spoke with them. Atlas is more than willing to assist us and the White Fang will also assist in the siege.

Weiss: Perfect! When are we leaving.

Y/n: My question is, why attack? We have the final relic and as long as it's in our possession, Force Edge won't be recreated.

Dante: Honestly, I think it's a great plan. It's a way to stop Salem once and for all.

Y/n: We would be putting many lives at risk. Many people would die.

Cinder: They took an oath to die for what they believed in. Atlas and the White Fang know the risks.

Raven: Y/n, this is our chance to end it all. Stop her for good.

I look down before finishing my Monster Energy. I pick up Yamato and walk toward the Maidens which caused the entire mood of the bar to change. I saw everyone look in anticipation for my answer. I look back at the Maidens while gripping Yamato.

Y/n: Have the armies ready to leave by daybreak.

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