Chapter 7

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It had been a few weeks since the Grimm attack in Vale and Ironwood had been announced to be head of security. I battle the holograms of team CVFY, RWBY, JNPR, STRQ and CRDL while getting flashbacks to what my father said when I rescued Summer.

Vergil: *flashback* Become stronger, then we'll settle the matter.

Y/n: *flashback* Why help me?

Vergil: *flashback* That question will be answered in time.

With every hit I give to the holograms an image of my father appears in my head. I felt so much hate, anger and frustration brew within me and it was enough for me to break and activate my SDT destroying every hologram while I scream out in anger. I look around at the holograms disappearing before deactivating my SDT before falling to one knee while tightly gripping Yamato.

Y/n: Not *pant* good *pant* enough!

I stand up and start the holograms again. But before I could attack them they suddenly disappear. I look at the controls and see RWBY along with Pyrrha standing with concern written all over their faces.

Y/n: I thought I said don't follow me?

Weiss: It's ok to follow someone if your concerned for their wellbeing.

Y/n: I am fine.

Blake: You haven't even left the amphitheater for the past couple of weeks!

Y/n: This is something I have to do. You wouldn't understand.

Pyrrha: Then help us understand. I've known you for a long time and, yes, you've always been quiet but this is serious.

Y/n: You don't have to fight your father! Your fathers have never tried to fight you, abandoned you! If I don't do this, hundreds- thousands may die!

Yang: Then let us help!

Y/n: You help and you may die as well! I don't want that for any of you!

Port: *speaker* Our next match will be team SSSN of Mistral vs team DEVL of Beacon!

Oobleck: *speaker* This will be an interesting battle!

I turn away from the girls and slash a portal open before walking through it and ending up in the coliseum infront of team SSSN with the crowd all cheering. I look around and the thousands of people in the stadium before looking at Sun and his team who look very cocky.

Sun: Don't expect us to go easy!

Neptune: You better not hold back!

Sun: Neptune!

Y/n: Hold back? Everyone, should I hold back?!

Crowd: No holding back! No holding back!

I look around at the crowd and all of them were chanting for me not to hold back before turning back to SSSN who were paralyzed with pure fear of what they have gotten themselves into. Then the biome randomizers appear and spin around before choosing a desert biome and an ocean biome. Port began counting down as I prepared to attack as did SSSN but as soon as the match began Neptune ran past me and to the desert side.

Sun: Neptune! What are you doing?!

Neptune: He'd never expect this!

Y/n: He isn't wrong.

I then activate my SDT and teleport behind Neptune. He turns around with fear written all over his face before I hit with with Yamato still sheathed which sent him flying away before he hit the barrier and the collision nearly broke the barrier. SSS look at me in complete shock and fear.

Port: *speaker* That was a devastating hit from Y/n! Neptune is out via broken aura AND knock out!

I teleport back down to SSS and hit them all upwards into the air with Yamato still sheathed before preforming Judgement Cut End. Time slows as Yamato creates slices in time and space that surround me and SSS who were still suspended in the air before I slowly lower Yamato back into its sheath and once it was fully sheathed the slashes hit SSS and broke their auras. I deactivate my SDT while the crowd cheered but I notice a large Atlas ship that looked very different to the many others that surround Vale, my curiosity peaks so I create a portal to Beacon to investigate the Atlas ship.

??? POV

I finish a drink in a bar while the match between SSSN and DEVL finished.

???: Hehe, that kid is somethin' else. Gotta love him.

Bartender: You know him?

???: You could say that.

I look behind me and see a familiar Atlas ship fly by so I put some Lein on the counter and walk out of the bar. I walk around the fair grounds before walking toward the Beacon courtyard until I see the person who was on the ship walking down the courtyard so I walk up and destroy the robots that were at the far back and throw one of their heads to the ground which grabbed her attention and a girl that looked like her but shorter who stood next to her.

???: Hey, Snowflake. Miss me?

Little Girl: Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to?

???: Not you. *points at Winter* You.

Winter: What are you doing here, Dante?

Dante: Just walkin' through the neighborhood and saw you were in town. Still cold as ever, and still working for ol' Morningwood.

Winter: General Ironwood. And yes I do still operate under his command.

Little Girl: You two know each other?

Dante: Know each other? Shit, we dated for a while! I assume you're here because lil Morningwood finally gave up on Ozzy, or you're trying to help them search for me.

Little Girl: Search?

Winter: Weiss, it's time for you to go.

Weiss: Wha-

Dante: I'd listen to her if I were you! Things are gonna get messy. And I'm late for a little meeting with my nephew so could you scoot aside, Snowflake?

Winter: If you won't hold your tongue I will happily take it from you!

Dante: Ho Ho! Now we're cooking with gas!

I take my Devil Sword out from behind my back while Winter took her rapier. We both stand opposite each other in the courtyard while a large audience began to form around us. I smirk just as Winter charged at me with her rapier ready to attack me.

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