Chapter 8

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3rd POV

Winter charged at Dante with her rapier but when she went in for a strike he dodged with similar speed to Y/n. He took out his Devil Sword and attacks Winter but she barely dodges the attack. From within the crowd, Mercury looks from behind everyone with both fear and worry written all over his face so he retreats to inform Cinder. Weiss watches the battle before Ruby and Y/n come through the crowd.

Ruby: What's happening?

Weiss: Some guy with white hair just started attacking my sister!

Y/n looks at the battle and instantly recognises Dante.

Y/n: That is my uncle, Snow Angle.

Y/n walks through the crowd and in between the two just before their blades collide but Y/n takes out Yamato and puts it in between both their swords causing them both to hit his blade. They both draw their attention to Y/n.

Y/n: Hey, Dante.

The three of them put their weapons away and Dante hugs Y/n while everyone looks confused. Dante and Y/n separate just as Ozpin and Ironwood arrive at the scene.

Dante: Ozzy! How've you been? Been taking care of my nephew?

Ironwood: Dante, we need to talk.

[time skip]

Dante: You broke into the castle, confronted Vergil and broke Summer out?

Summer: I'm here, aren't I?

Y/n: I did. Now, where were you?

Dante: Helping your lil bro with somethin'.

Everyone was silent at what Dante said. Everyone had assumed Y/n was the only child of Vergil.

Y/n: ...Brother?

Dante: *sigh* Right, I never told you. You're the older twin and your brother, Nero, is the younger twin. He's been through some shit, lost an arm and got a girlfriend named Kyrie.

Goodwitch: They're twins like you?

Dante: Yep. Nero acts more like a younger me while Y/n acts more as a younger Vergil.

Y/n: I have a brother?

Dante: He just moved into Vale with Kyrie. Back to your question Oz, yes I do have tabs on every maiden except Fall. I just fought Winter and Summer is in the same room as us.

Ironwood: Schnee is the Winter Maiden?

Dante: I just said that, didn't I?

Suddenly the elevator doors open and a delivery guy was stood in a pizza box in hand.

Delivery Guy: Order for Dante?

Dante: That's me!

Dante walks to the pizza guy and takes the pizza before paying some Lien before the doors close and he walks back to the group and sits in a chair with the pizza on his lap.

Y/n: Old habits die hard I see.

Ozpin: So you have a location on the Spring Maiden?

Dante: Course I do. It's Raven.

He says before taking a bite out of a slice of pizza while everyone looks dumbfounded except Y/n.

Ironwood: You are telling me that you have always known who the Spring Maiden was and where she was but never told us?!

Dante: Because I knew you'd use her like a weapon.

He says while continuing to eat his pizza. Everyone was still confused and Summer was pacing around completely lost in thought.

Dante: I also had the thought that we could take down Salem by using all the maidens together with their combined strength. But if she gets her hands on all the artifacts she will recreate the strongest weapon in history.

Y/n: The Force Edge.

Dante: Jackpot.

Ironwood: What if we recreate the Force Edge and use it against her?

Dante: Only people of Sparda blood can unlock it's true power, but people as powerful as Salem can still wield it. It's too dangerous to be on either her side or ours.

Ironwood: You're saying we have to leave a weapon that could end a war putting millions at risk?!

Y/n: If that sword is in anyones hands, it will cause more damage to the world and it would cost more lives.

Goodwitch: I'm with you both.

Ironwood: What?!

Summer: Same. If this weapon is as powerful as you say, it's too dangerous to even be considered.

Ozpin: I also believe that it would be too dangerous to even consider it. The Force Edge must be left alone, if we do bring it back things may not turn out how we hope.

Ironwood looked at everyone in disbelief. He sighs and leaves the office while everyone else is left alone. Y/n and Dante look at each other and Dante already knew what Y/n was about to ask.

Dante: If you wanna meet your brother I can call him over and see if he wants to see you fight in the tournament.

Y/n: Thank you, Dante. I do assume you've told him about me?

Dante just was silent while slowly taking a bite of the last pizza slice. Y/n sighed before Dante ran to the elevator with the last pizza slice to tell Nero he has a brother.

Goodwitch: Of course he left the pizza box.

Y/n: Did you expect him to be formal?

Summer: Kinds glad he's not like Vergil. Straight up and forward but he is caring deep down.

Y/n: I'm not entirely sure about that.

Y/n turns away and exits the office while Summer looks sad at the fact he never had a proper childhood. She sighs before sitting on the cough Dante was sat at while Ozpin was talking about the relics.

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