Chapter 13

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3rd POV

Dante, Nero and Y/n stood opposite the rest of the group. Y/n had told them that Dante, him and Nero would be going a separate way to make things safer and easier for the group. Pyrrha decided she'd join the three of them, after much protest from Jaune. Team RNJR says their farewells before continuing on their journey. Y/n sliced a portal open and the four walked through before coming out in the middle of nowhere.

Pyrrha: Uh, where are we?

Y/n: Atlas. Far away from the others so we don't draw unwanted attention to them.

Nero: Well, we better start moving.

Dante: I suggest we go to Atlas Academy.

As if on cue, an Atlas dropship landed and Atlesian Knights walked out with their guns pointed at the four. Suddenly, Winter Schnee and General Ironwood walk out from the dropship.

Ironwood: Dante?

Dante: Morningwood!

Ironwood motions for the robots to lower their weapons and almost instantly they did.

Ironwood: What are you four doing here?

Dante: Well, if you haven't already heard, Shade and Beacon have lost their relics so only Haven and Atlas remain. We thought that extra protection would be in order.

Winter: Atlas is the most secure kingdom in the world and has the most powerful military. No one would try take the relic from us.

Y/n: Atlas over estimates themselves. That makes the relic an easy target. After Beacon, you do wish to be as cautious as possible, correct?

Ironwood could only glare at Y/n but agreed with his statement.

Ironwood: Fine. You will come back to Atlas to help protect the relic. Come.

They walk onto the dropship and once they were all onboard the Atlesian Knights boarded before the ship took off.

Winter: Ironwood filled me in on all the relics and this Salem. I believe that we should recreate the Force Edge and use it against her.

Y/n: You're just as foolish as him.

Ironwood: Sitting right here.

Y/n: The Force Edge is too powerful of a weapon for any of you to use. If Salem were to recreate it then she have an incredibly large advantage, and it's a danger to both us and her. No matter whose side it's on.

Winter: But what if-

Y/n: There are no "what if's" to this weapon. 

Dante then kicks his feet up onto the dashboard of the ship while leaning back into the seat. Winter glares at him which only makes him smirk. The ship continued to fly until after a couple of hours we arrived at Atlas where we had a breathtaking view of the academy.

 The ship continued to fly until after a couple of hours we arrived at Atlas where we had a breathtaking view of the academy

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