Chapter 15

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Dante POV

 I continue killing the Angelo warriors while Huntsmen and Huntresses escort students out of the academy and onto bullheads. I haven't seen Y/n since he went after Cavaliere. I know the kid can handle himself but it still worries me when he runs off by himself. I hear people inside the academy so I quickly fly into the academy while still in SDT and look around for those fighting inside. I continue looking while killing Angelo warriors before finally finding who it was. I found Pyrrha, Nero, Summer and Winter all trying to fight off the large amount of soldiers so I jump in and kill the surrounding soldiers with a powerful swing of my Devil Sword Dante.

Nero: You came at a good time.

Dante: Where's Y/n?

Winter: Inside the vault with that thing.

Dante: *sigh* I hope he knows what he's doing. 

Summer: Wee need to get outta here!

Pyrrha: Agreed.

We all began running out of the academy while killing any Angelo's we come across.


I come out on the other side of the vault door and find myself in a winter landscape.

I look around in awe before seeing Cavaliere Angelo in the center of the frozen lake starring at the relic

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I look around in awe before seeing Cavaliere Angelo in the center of the frozen lake starring at the relic.

Y/n: Cavaliere!

He turned around and looked at me with the relic in his left while his sword was in his right. We stare each other down while the cold winter wind blows around us.

Y/n: Give me the relic.

Cavaliere: Over my dead body.

I take out Yamato from its sheath while we continue to stare each other down but a portal opens that looks similar to mine. Cavaliere smiles before walking through it before the portal closes leaving me alone in the winter landscape while Salem has three of the four relics. I turn around and create a portal to the front of the academy knowing yet again I have failed to stop the relics from being stolen. I walk through the portal and come out infront of the academy where I see Pyrrha, Nero, Winter, Summer and Dante all standing helping escort students out so I walk over to them.

Pyrrha: You're back!

Nero: Are you ok?

Y/n: Cavaliere got the relic. Haven is the last one.

Winter: I must-

Y/n: You're coming with us. Leaving you here with a ruined Atlas and a possible threat of another attack is stupid. Beside, the Schnee family's gonna pay for the damages.

Summer: Can I join you guys in heading to Haven?

Nero: Sure. Why not?

Winter: Because-

Dante: You're opinion isn't really necessary, Snowflake.

Summer: To Haven!

I take out Yamato and slice a portal open before the group walk through it. I look around at the destroyed academy and many injured Huntsmen, Huntresses and students making their way from the academy. I turn and walk through the portal where I was greeted by the sight of Haven academy from the city of Mistral.

Summer: Sure missed this view.

Winter: Much different to that of Atlas.

We begin walking around until we see a drunk Qrow enter a house followed by a young boy so we all decide to follow him. Once we arrive at the door everyone's eyes widen, except the kid and Qrow, at the sight of us. Ruby rushed to hug Summer and I while Jaune ran to Pyrrha. Ruby lets go of me and I look at the kid who seemed threatened by just looking at me.

Y/n: What is your name?

Oscar: W-well, I'm Oscar Pines but you may know me as... Professor Ozpin.

My eyes widen in shock as does everyone else while Qrow begins laughing, still drunker than anything. He then passed out on the couch while I groaned.

Dante: Huh, the ol' sonuva bitch's still kicking. But inside a boy?

Nero: Why'd you make it sound like he's a pervert?

Y/n: Well he is now, considering Oscar and Ozpin now share a mind.

Oscar: *Ozpin* I will have you know I didn't have many options when choosing, thank you very much.

Nero: Yeah, yeah. Save it for court.

Nora: I thought you guys left for Atlas a week ago?

Pyrrha: Atlas was... attacked. A demon knight forced Winter to open the vault and what Y/n has told us, this Salem now has three of the four relics.

Dante: Haven's all that's left. If she gets this last relic, she can recreate my fathers sword which would mean only three people could really stand a chance against her.

Ren: You, Y/n and Vergil.

Dante: Yep. Maybe the combined powers of the Maidens could stand a chance but I doubt they'd be able to deliver the killing blow. Especially if she has Force Edge.

Jaune: What's the plan then?

Y/n: Find the Spring Maiden, get her to open the vault and hold onto the relic hopefully keeping it safe from Salem.

Summer: Where the hell are we even gonna find her?

Y/n: I have some Ideas. But for now, I recommend everyone get some rest. I'm going to get some air.

Everyone nods before Ruby guided Nero, Dante, Winter and Summer to their rooms, Pyrrha would stay in Jaunes room and since I barely sleep I wouldn't really need a room. I walked into the backyard, it was much bigger than I had expected it to be. While I walked through the yard I look at a cherry blossom and see a raven perched on one of its branches.

Y/n: *sigh* Come on, Raven. Change.

The raven flies off the branch and transforms into Qrows sister, Raven. She stands infront of me with an unimpressed look on her face.

Raven: I know you need me.

Y/n: And you know you need me. That vault is the one thing protecting everyone right now and if you are forced to open it... everything will go to hell.

Raven: How many has she got?

Y/n: Three. Haven is all that's left. Just, consider joining us. You'd be able to protect your daughter and help keep Salem away from the last relic.

Raven: I'll think about it.

With that she transformed back into her bird form before flying off into the night sky. I watch her become more distant before she disappears and all I'm left looking at is the stars in the clear sky. I sigh before sitting on a plastic chair similar to my fathers while still looking at the stars scattered across the sky.

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