Chapter 25 (Y/n)

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I catch Dante and prop him upright before he stands at my side with Vergil. We stare down Salem and the two Gods. I tell Vergil to go for the God of Darkness while Dante goes for the God of Light. The two nodded before activating their SDT and charging at the Gods, taking them out of the Qliphoth to battle.

Salem: What do you hope do gain from this? I have the Sparda, I have won! What do you not see?

Y/n: It's not what I don't see. *activates SDT* It's what you don't see.

I draw my Devil Sword and point it at Salem who wields Grandfathers blade with such over confidence. She charges at me so I charge back but she catches me by surprise and slashes up with incredible force. I was send flying through the Qliphoth until I went through a branch and land on the very top of the tree. Salem lands on the top of the tree with me.

Salem: Such a shame all your effort to stop me were for nothing.

Y/n: For nothing? You have been betrayed by your Fall Maiden, your servants all had been killed and you face me. It was all for something.

Salem: Sparda was foolish to believe I could be stopped.

Y/n: Foolish? No. You only survived because your servants resurrected you. With no one loyal to you, you stay dead. This all ends. Tonight.

Salem: Yes. It does.

We charge at each other with our blades raised. When our blades both meet the the center the clash emitted volts of lightning, both purple and crimson red colour. Purple coming from my Devil Sword while red coming from the Sparda. We both push with incredible force before pulling away to strike again but every strike was blocked meaning every strike was a clash of the blades which caused the lightning to shine brightly. With every clash comes a strong shockwave. I slash upwards at Salem but she blocked with the Sparda causing the ground beneath us to collapse. We both fall into the Qliphoth but I use my wings to dive down toward Salem and attack her while she was oblivious. I got some powerful strikes in before we hid the ground on one of the many levels where we both see Dante and the God of Light fall through the floor before we continue our fight. Our blades clash yet again causing the surrounding interior to crumble under the extreme pressure of us pushing against each others blades.

Y/n: It humours me that you think that you have unlocked the Sparda's full potential.

Salem: I won't need to. Once I have Grimmified it, the Sparda will become the most feared weapons in the universe.

I sweep her legs causing her to trip before I stomped down on her stomach sending her through a second level of the Qliphoth. She lands on her back as I come flying down ready to stomp on her head but she rolled out of the way causing me to create a large hole where I hit. I fly upwards and dive toward Salem, tackling her through the floor into another level of the Qliphoth. We both land in the center of the ground level of the Qliphoth as it begins to crumble around us. We run at each other but she slashes me into the air before jumping up to the height I was at before kicking me to the ground, I slid across the ground but used my Devil Sword to slow myself down.

RWBY: Y/n!

Y/n: Stay back!

Salem slowly walked toward me as I stood up and pried my Devil Sword from the ground. We run at each other and when our blades clash the shockwave was enough to throw everyone back, demon, Atlas, White Fang, shit even the Gods were sent flying back. Volts of purple and crimson lighting surround the both of us like a dome. We both push against each other causing the ground beneath us to crack beneath the pressure. I felt all the eyes watch us, the worry, the fear, the anticipation and much more. I sweep Salem's legs again before grabbing her by the throat and pinning her against the lightning cage causing her to be electrocuted by the powerful volts of energy. She kicks me off her before stabbing me in the chest with the Sparda, I then fall to my knees.

Ruby: Y/N!


Salem: You tried your best, Y/n, but in the end...

She digs the Sparda deeper into my chest.

Salem: It wasn't enough.

She pries the sword out of my chest as the lighting dome around us dissipates. Suddenly a figure jumps infront of Salem just as she was about to come if for the finishing blow and blocked the blade. I looked at the coat and realized who it was.

Y/n: *weakly* V-Vergil...?

Salem: I knew this would come eventually.

Vergil: You can hurt me all you want, but I won't lose anymore family!

He pushes her back stunning everyone. He activates his SDT while I deactivate mine out of pain trying to recover from the stab wound.

Vergil POV

I push Salem back before activating Sin Devil Trigger. I raise my Devil Sword at her as we stare each other down. She can hurt me as much as she pleases, but she will...

Vergil: Stay. Away. From. My. Son.

Salem: My, my, I never took you as the protective type, Vergil.

I lunge at her catching her off guard forcing her to go on the defensive. I slash downwards while she slashes upwards causing our blades to collide with such force it created a similar dome to the one Y/n and Salem fought in just before. We both begin to circle each other with a tight grip on our weapons before running at each other for a second time, causing our blades to clash yet again.

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