39 Treasure

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Part 39 Treasure

I didn't know in what state Khushi was but I was not in the state to break the connection we were in at the moment. I could remember how restless I was when I got married to Khushi. Almost, I was in the same state now. Then, I was restless as I had no idea how my future would be. Now, I was restless about how THIS day of ours would be.

I had debated about LOVE and LUST with my friends many times. Most of the people thought that lust-driven love could not be TRUE. At the time of the argument, I was silent. But, now, I was going against it. I have no doubt true love could not build by lust but it was a MAJOR part that would help us to build love. I was practically feeling that, experiencing it in real right now.

I had lusty feelings in me and I could not accept it was not love. I had lusty feelings only because I had love in my heart for Khushi. She was mine... having her wholly was not my right? I could see Khushi was also in the same state as mine. If she was ready, why should I debate within?

"Khushi..." I caressed her ear in the process of calling her.

"Mmm?" she flinched as she felt tickled.

"May I know how much you love me?" I asked so childishly, expecting a PARTICULAR answer from her. To get such an answer, I had to ask such a childish question.

"Do you want me to narrate how much love I have for you?"

"Can't you narrate?"

"Why not you come close to me and get to know it by yourself?" she said and I was like, THAT WAS IT...!

"If I came close to you, you may melt like a vax as there is a fire in me..." I whispered.

"Embrace me and let me feel the fire" She replied whispering.

I could not express my condition in words as I got the answer I expected from Khushi. My soul and body longed for Khushi. I just wanted to move the curtain away that was in between us, the curtain called hesitation...! That was keeping us separate from the beginning. I just wanted to erase the distance of our closeness. If we got close ONCE, the distance would be erased FOREVER, I believed. I had no wishes and desires in mind till yesterday but, I could not say that today. I simply NEEDED Khushi.

I embraced her in my arms. I said she would melt by the fire in me but, what happened was something...! It was me who melted like hell. The heat in my body was unbearable. I buried my face in her soft, smoothie neck, trying to take her to the same state as mine.

Khushi clutched my shoulders as my two days' stubble tickled her. I felt the goosebumps on her body...! Her smooth skin had a lot of dots on it. I lifted Khushi in my arms... the first lift. That perplexed her. She looked at me parting her lips. Of course, I walked to the bed. Keeping her on the bed, I took a place next to... correction, close to her. There was no reason for me to keep my distance from her. I was almost over her. putting my right leg on her legs, I pulled her so close to me, while circling her shoulders with my hands. Khushi closed her eyes when I leaned to her. Both of us were seething inside. I caressed her cheek with mine. She fisted her fingers into balls.

It was daytime and, we didn't mind about it. In fact, we were not in a sense to analyze anything. We were ready to take our relationship to the next level.

"Khushi, may I...?" I asked in a husky voice.

She cupped my face and pecked my forehead, giving me the answer through her action. Her petal-like lips came under my control. I was almost laying on her. It heated me. I entwined her fingers with mine and sucked her earlobe to tempt her and it worked. She clutched my hair and pulled me back as she could not stand the sensation.

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