28 Conclusion

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Part 28 Conclusion

I got ready for the office after my morning jog. Khushi also got ready to go to Preeto's house. We came to the dining. Khushi served me Poori and Paneer masala before I took boiled eggs. I looked at her, controlling my laughter.

"Your favorite breakfast" She whispered.

I ate it smiling.

"Call me if you want anything" I intentionally said that loudly to show Khushi was going somewhere with my consent.

Khushi nodded ok. After finishing breakfast, we left the Mini Palace. Khushi went to the Taj Hotel to park her car and I drove toward the office.

I was thinking about Khushi all the way to the AR. I remembered how she talked to me last night, thinking that I was sleeping. I could not believe she would be so free and frank. She talked a lot unlike Khushi... she was so smooth unlike Khushi... she laughed and teased me, unlike Khushi. I did not expect that kind of utter change in Khushi that too in a single day. That stated to me clearly how much she yearned SOMEONE for herself to share all her experiences. If I could make it possible in a day, I would feel proud of myself. I saw her talking to Preeto on the phone so excitedly, just like a kid. I was sure Preeto was the best person. That was why Khushi would like to meet her. So that, she could pour her heart into Preeto. I was glad at least Khushi had someone for herself. And, I so wanted to become the ONE in her life. After all, she was my wife.

I thought Khushi would take time to open her heart with me but she shared everything to SLEEPING me, without hesitation. She touched my cheek. She slept with me when I arrested her palm under my cheek. I never thought the great Princess would be so simple to get impressed. Of course, what I did to impress her was not a simple thing. Only I knew how much effort I put into making Alan cool. I would even extend the program for one more episode easily with the use of my politician friend but cooling Alan down was not easy to me. But, it was worth it. If Khushi would be this much happy, I was ready to make TEN Alans cool. Alan was so rigid toward me at first. He was impressed when he got to know about Khushi's cooking interest and, she was a Princess. He didn't believe a Princess had such an interest. As he belonged to the UK, he knew the customary life of Royals well. I requested him not to talk about it to Khushi because she didn't like to be a Princess. That surprised him more. After that, he started talking to me about Khushi curiously. Somehow, I made it.

I came to AR and checked its shares' status. It was lowered to .7 points. I was alerted. Was that related to my attitude towards Mini Palace servants? Let it be. I should deal with it, however.

I attended the client meeting, for which I came to the office a little earlier because senior ASR went sightseeing. He won't come to the office that day. So, I attended the meeting. It took nearly four hours for me to complete the meeting. We discussed how to raise our share value in the stock market. I came to my cabin and sat on my seat. I checked my mobile. It was on silent mode. I saw a missed call from an unknown number. I dialed the number. The call was attended in the second ring.

"Who is this?" I asked and heard,

"Bhai, I'm Preeto"

I sat straight. Preeto? Didn't Khushi go to meet her? Why did Preeto call me? Did she want me to know anything important?

"Hi, how are you?" I asked maintaining my voice balanced.

"I'm happy because Khushi is happy"

I felt relieved.

"Khushi came to my house. She said you knew about it"

"Yes, she told me"

"Did she leave?"

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