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A/N: GUYS! I'm back! I'M ACTUALLY SO SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE FOR LIKE A MONTH I was losing motivation and I had/have so much school work. Also, I'm at school a lot for training and barely get time to rest so... BUT HERE I AM NOW! I probably won't be back to daily updates though... I honestly don't know. This is probably going to be a short update... like really short because I do not know how to progress where I left off of. Think of this like half (or even 1/4) of a chapter...

"You really are a special case... aren't you?" Kanzari giggled, closing the door to her bedroom as Ran laid on her bed. 

"Okay, whatever" Ran signaled for Kanzari to lay down next to him, which she did. The two of them were just sitting there awkwardly for a while, not knowing what to do. That was until Ran yawned and put his head on her shoulder, resting his eyes. Kanzari's eyes widened, and her shoulder tensed, shocked at his actions.

"Just relax... it isn't comfortable for me you know" Ran joked, which Kanzari scoffed at, but she followed what he said anyway. Kanzari put her hand in his hair, playing with it and massaging his forehead, which he giggled at.

"Are you ticklish?" Kanzari laughed at him, and he looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows, signalling for her to continue. She sighed and continued, as Ran burrowed his head in her neck. She could feel his breathing pattern against the skin of her neck, and it was quite ticklish, but she was relieved she could finally call him hers.

After a bit, Kanzari decided to fully rest her head on her pillow, as Ran followed her. He moved his head to her stomach, and wrapped his arms around Kanzari, embracing her.

"Please don't leave me" Ran mumbled against the fabric of her shirt. "Stay with me forever".

"Are you mental? You aren't even my boyfriend yet" Kanzari continued playing with his hair while her other hand tapping his back.

"Yet" Ran chuckled before resting on to her head again. After a few minutes his breathing started to become consistent and soft, which meant he was asleep. Kanzari looked down at him as he hugged her with a smile, and she giggled, before eventually taking out her phone. She took a quick photo of him, and put it down, drifting into sleep.

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