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(A/N: Sorry for this again everyone, but I made a mistake on chapter 25. I'M SORRY I MAKE SO MUCH MISTAKES! They go back to Kyoto on Saturday, and not Sunday. Happy reading!)

4AM flashed on the clock, as it beeped horribly. It was in the middle of Kanzari and Jumiya, so they both were fighting for the phone, until Jumiya snatched it to close it. Jumiya got up immediately, and Kanzari had a pillow over her head. Jumiya grabbed it and hit her.

"Get up" Jumiya told her, which led to Kanzari groaning, but she did. The two went downstairs and saw that Kento had already made breakfast for everyone. "Aww that's so sweet Kento!" Jumiya told him, as she smiled walking towards him. 

Kento kissed her on the forehead and patted her head. Kanzari stood there, looking at the two of them, jawdropped.

"Did I... miss something?" Kanzari was now looking at them in disgust, as Jumiya walked back to her.

"We aren't dating... we just want to take it slow" Jumiya smiled at Kanzari, as she sat down. Kanzari sat down across her, still having a sour face.

"Then what the fuck are you...?" Kanzari asked, still horribly disgusted by what she saw.

"Nothing... I mean I don't know honestly" Kento sat down near Jumiya, putting his hand around her shoulder. Kanzari gagged unconsciously at this, and cleared her throat. The food was staring at her, she was quite hungry, but they were waiting for others. While Jumiya and Kento were baby talking each other, Kanzari was on her phone.

Sachi and Yuki came down next, clinging arms. Kanzari also looked at them in disgust as they sat down next to the other two. It was horrible. Luckily, Asira came a bit after and talked to Kanzari. Then Yuji and Ran, who felt the same way Kanzari did. Ran sat next to Kanzari, and they all started to dig in.

"Did you sleep well?" Ran asked Kanzari, as she took her first bite.

"Yea... I slept pretty early" She said while her mouth was full, before shoving in another spoon.

"Same. I wanna make the most of being here. You don't always get to go to Tokyo" Ran did the same as Kanzari, putting in a spoon of rice and some meat in his mouth.

"It's kinda scary though... there's so much people and imagine getting lost in the crowd of them" Kanzari told Ran, as she drank some water.

"Yea" Ran neared Kanzari to whisper something in her ear "Is that why you held my hand so tightly?".

Kanzari choked on her own food, and had to force herself to swallow it down with some water. "Ran... it... yea. But it's not because it's you..." Kanzari whispered back, and he shrugged.

"Well I'm glad I found you before you got lost. It's okay Kanzari, seriously. I get it... nothing to be ashamed of" Ran smiled at her, before putting another spoon in his mouth.

Kanzari looked at him in defeat, and sighed, before doing the same.

Once everyone finished eating breakfast, it was time to get ready. Kanzari showered first and did everything she needed to. Everyone was downstairs by the time the clock striked 5:50. They all had to be outside by 6AM. Apparently, it was only a 10 minute drive away from the houses, but the camp started at 6:30.

The whole volleyball team got on the bus, and drove off. Coach Keibs stood up as the bus started to make an announcement.

"Everyone, this is how the matches will go. Each gender division will have practice match rotations. There will be 5 other schools there, which are all from different prefectures. There will be breaks and free food. Every practice ends at 5PM, and everyone will have 2 hours to do some  self practice, you can mix genders at this point." He yelled so everyone could hear, before continuing "schedules will be on the whiteboard of each gymnasium".

Everyone understood, and the bus ride there was normal. It was kind of quiet, since everyone was still half asleep considering it was like 6AM.

Once they got to the school, which was named Hikatsuma high school, which was a famous powerhouse school in Tokyo.  The campus was massive, and the bus had to drive inside of it to park outside of the two twinning gymnasium, which were massive. 

Everyone got out of the bus in awe of the gym, and all entered the specific gyms based on the gender division. Coach Keibs and Sarina led the girls team inside, and they had a meeting with the other teams. The matches started at exactly 6:30AM.

Tohuzama was actually not a very known school, since they were only good in their prefecture. This changed quite quickly, as they drilled through the other schools like it was nothing. They hadn't lost a single game when the lunch break came.

The cafeteria they ate at was the private one, and it fit enough. The volleyball 1st years were all together, just like always. Kanzari and Jumiya were sitting together on the edge of the table, when suddenly 3 girls walked up to them.

"You two are from Tohuzama, right?" A girl with a blonde short wolf cut walked up to them. She looked like maybe she maybe was a mix of japanese and white, considering she was at least 6'0. Kanzari remembered her, she was a really good middle blocker that they played against. She was accompanied by two other girls, one being a girl who was about 5'6, Kanzari remembered her as the good opposite hitter of the host school, and a girl with who was a 4'11 libero, who could barely touch Kanzari's spikes (which rarely happened).

Kanzari and Jumiya looked at each other, before saying yes to the girl.

"That's perfect! I'm Jeran Sakuyin, from Neryu! Call me Sakuyin!" She pointed to herself, then pointed to the opposite hitter "this is Torukana Jiru! The opposite hitter from this school, Hikatsuma" she waved with a nonchalant expression, Sakuyin pointing to the short libero "this is Norijika Samiyana! She's quite short!" the girl smiled and crossed her arms confidently, before hitting the girl beside her.

"We want to practice with you later! You know, during the free 2 hours we have... We haven't had good competition in so long!" Samiyana asked them, putting her hands on her waist. Before the two could speak, Samiyana spoke again. "Great! See you in Gym 2!" then they walked away, leaving Kanzari and Jumiya there, dumbfounded.

"Well, I guess we don't have a choice" Kanzari laughed, and so did Jumiya. It was going to be fun to play with elites, so they were both looking forward to it.

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