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(A/N: For those who read chapter 21, I have made a mistake. They were actually rallying for 2 weeks and not just one, so they have known each other for 4 weeks in chapter 21)

Now, Ran and Kanzari have gotten even closer. They don't just rally before training, they also go to 711 after. Nothing much was really happening in school, but finals were getting closer and closer, which was a big worry for the students. Kanzari however, didn't care and just played without thinking one bit about school.

One Monday, on the 5th week of Ran and Kanzari meeting, they were both at 711 together. It was quite a normal day, and they still had a bit of time before training.

Sachi and Yuki were in the library together, when they decided that they were hungry. "Can we please go to 711 Yuki? Please?" Sachi was pleading with Yuki, and he finally agreed. Sachi got up from her chair, and clinged to Yuki's arm, as they walked out of school grounds to 711.

They were walking through the gate, and saw the 711. But wait... is that? Is that who they thought it was?

Sachi and Yuki looked at each other immediately, and went back into the school gates to spy on them. Ran was saying something, which Kanzari was laughing at.

"What the fuck? Kanzari is laughing... with Ran?" Sachi was shocked, and she looked at Yuki again, who had his phone out taking pictures and videos "Oh my god send that to the group chat".

"I definitely will... well this is new. Looks like the bet is actually going to go somewhere" Yuki reminded Sachi of the bet, and she giggled.

"So this is what she would ditch us for... and I thought our Kanzari would actually get quality sleep" Sachi sighed, and she looked at Yuki's phone.

Yuki sent the videos of Kanzari and Ran laughing, and some pictures to the group chat they had. Asira and Yuji automatically viewed the video, and started spamming.

"What the fuck? Is this edited... Yuki give us editing tips pls" Asira texted in the groupchat.

"AHAHAHAHA PAY UP FUCKERS" Yuji spammed in the groupchat. Kento and Jumiya then saw the groupchat, at the same time.

"HHAHAHAHA" Jumiya typed in.

"Damn" Kento texted in, he was probably busy with Jumiya somewhere.

Then, Yuki saw Ran pick up his phone, since it was vibrating a lot. He grabbed Sachi's hand. "We run, or Kanzari will kill us".

Sachi and Yuki ran away back into the school grounds, somewhere that Kanzari won't find them.

Ran picked up his phone, and scrolled up the group chat. "What the... look" Ran showed his phone to Kanzari, who was slurping up some noodles. She furrowed her eyebrows, and took his phone.

"I'm going to snap Yuki and Sachi's head one day" Kanzari shrugged, and gave Ran his phone, to slurp her noodles.

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