《𝟙𝟛: 𝔸𝕟 𝕖𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟》

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He will never admit it out loud to anyone, but Shigaraki is lonely.

He grew up under the tutelage of his master with no one around his age to speak with. The closest friends he has are those assholes he would occasionally play with online, but he never considers any of them as friends. If he ever met his online 'friends' in real life, he would kill them instantly.

Kurogiri isn't a viable option either. True he will listen to Shigaraki's complaints, but that's all he would do, listen. The mystified man would offer his condolences but very rarely gave him advice, most of the time he would recommend to Shigaraki to talk about his problems to their master. Kurogiri's only purpose is to care for the adult-man and occasionally complete tasks sent by their master.

His master would always predict his problem before Shigaraki could even voice his complaints and it annoys him. Shigaraki rarely talked to master unless it was necessary, he was far too busy doing who knows what. But whenever Shigaraki does talk to his master, the man would coddle him as if he were a child, yet he does nothing to solve his issue.

So he learns to keep some things to himself, no matter how frustrating he gets.

But after these few recent months, he's reached his new breaking point.

The attack on U.A. was a massive failure, not only was All Might missing, but the media treated the entire plan as a stunt! That was supposed to be the Villain League debut, yet no one knew of their name! They only had three minutes of screen time before the news moved on to something else! They didn't even mention their name! Everyone was treating him as one big joke!

According to master, the blame solely lies on this pathetic detective called Suki. Despite the repeated demands for his death, his master couldn't comply. Turns out, this detective lives as a complete hermit; no one knows their face, name, or anything else.

And another issue arose with the Hero Killer: Stain. That damn bastard Stain made fun of him when they tried to recruit him! The Hero Killer wasn't impressed at all, and didn't even take Shigaraki seriously. Stain claims Shigaraki has no conviction, no motivation, and acts like a child.

As retaliation, Shigaraki sent Nomus to wreak havoc on Hosu. He enjoyed watching the chaos from above, seeing the innocent civilians running for their lives while heroes struggled to maintain the peace. It wasn't until Endeavor appeared that the Nomus was finally being subdued. In the end, no civilians were hurt but several minor heroes obtained injuries, and the Nomus destroyed a quarter of the city.

Shigaraki was certain his stunt would land him on the front pages and finally spread his name.

He was once again wrong.

Instead, the entire public was completely obsessed with the Hero Killer's arrest. It was the only thing anyone was talking about. No one even glances at his Nomus. Even weeks later, Stain is still on everyone's mind. Stain is all he hears about, every single damn day.

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