Chapter 23

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Xu Jinchao opened the umbrella and she walked out without looking back.

The brand new Rolls-Royce SUV was parked in the garage, Xu Jinchao sat down in the cabin, put the umbrella aside, and texted Song Jiao.

[The car keys are in the hallway. ]

She lifted her head and looked at the continuous curtain of rain under the gray sky. Seeing that the momentum couldn't stop for a while, she lowered her head and typed again on the keyboard:

[There are umbrellas in the storage room on the first floor. ]

As soon as his finger pressed the send button, Xu Jinchao received a response.

Song Jiao: [Okay. ]

Xu Jinchao thought it was the end, but as soon as he turned off the screen, it turned back on with the text message prompt tone.

She unlocked her phone and saw a miniature Omega pixel smiley face.

It was apparently a response to his second text message.

Xu Jinchao stared at the cute smiling face for a while, then looked at the text messages between [Xu Jinchao] and Song Jiao.

There aren't many text messages, most of which are notifications and harsh-tone commands from [Xu Jinchao], and Song Jiao rarely even replies, let alone emojis.

Xu Jinchao had some happiness and satisfaction again, and the smile returned to his face.

The company's headquarters are on the North Shore, and Xu's owns an office building there.

Of course, this new car's license plate was not registered in the internal parking system, but its face was the pass. Xu Jinchao parked the car and took the special elevator to the last stage.

The top floor of the massive Xu Family building is only used by Xu Boyang and his team of assistants.

Apart from the office part, the rest is provided for his private leisure.

[Xu Jinchao] is one of Xu Boyang's assistants, and he also has his own office here.

Unlike other assistants, she was brought into contact with various affairs by Xu Boyang as an heiress and was not responsible for petty affairs.

Xu Jinchao entered the top floor, and Qi Yao was explaining her work to another employee.

He waved his hand to let the other party go, walked over and said, “Mr. Xu asked you to go straight to his office.

Xu Jinchao asked Qi Yao, "Did you send the Omega Inhibitor?"

"Let Xiao Zhang go," Qi Yao replied lowering his voice, "Mr. Xu is not very happy...because of the Inhibitor."

Song Jiao took the medicine box containing the inhibitor injection and let in assistant Zhang and the personnel who set up the monitoring equipment.

Assistant Zhang treated her with great respect.

"The Inhibitor is a normal temperature agent. Next week I will arrange for a special person to deliver it every other day. It will be placed in the mailbox at the door. Don't forget to replace it on time."

The production process of Omega Fever Symptom Relief Inhibitor is very complicated. Generally, it is divided into refrigerating agent and normal temperature agent according to storage requirements.

The refrigeration agent has high requirements on the storage temperature range, and the shelf life is relatively long; the normal temperature agent does not have many requirements on the storage environment and does not require refrigeration, but the shelf life is extremely short. *

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