Chapter 37 - Go.

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- Third POV -

"I promise, that's all she told me."

Stephen had just finished explaining everything The Ancient One had told him before she passed. And in Stephen's defence, it really wasn't much.

She probably didn't want you experiencing the tribulations that came with this power.

Vysio's voice sang through her thoughts as she processed this. Since the first few weeks of her birth, she was already spelled. This power that had been passed on for generations had been stopped at her. Or at least they tried. Then she remembered the last time she saw her mother. As the gateway closed, she remembered seeing her eyes flash that same bright purple that Stephen had now been accustomed to in (Y/n)'s eyes.

"What else are you not telling me?"

(Y/n)'s eyes were fixated on the floor. Her voice was cold. She hadn't been upset, but this was all so much to process. She had spent years not mentioning her parents, only for all of this to come crashing down on her. And the culprit? Her mother. Something told her this wasn't the only reason for the suppression spell. There had to be something more. A better reason.

"I just told you-"

You're not ready.

Strey's voice interrupted Stephen.

(Y/n) stood up. Strey barely said a word during this sharing session. And the absence of Vysio or Eadin correcting their statement or adding their own comments scared her.

"She is."

Stephen looked up at her, seeing her eyes come alive. She was angry. Fed up. And he could tell why. After all this time, these powers, abilities, whatever you wanted to call them, were not her choice to inherit. And now, she felt as if all these decisions were being made for her. She was the last one to know. And now, she felt she would be the last one to act. Not to mention Strey was becoming quite annoying with their constant negativity.

She looked down at him, and he watched as her expression softened ever so slightly at his gaze. Everything was now out in the open. He wasn't hiding anything from her, and neither was she. Yet, it felt as though there was still something stuck in between them. Perhaps the three entities that were clouding their minds.

This power...

Vysio started, and it was evident to both sorcerers that they were hesitant.

We are the reason so many fall... It is something we cannot control. Some are more resistant than others, some more prone. But ultimately, we are the reason Enchanters despise this power.

The crypticness of the message left (Y/n) & Stephen confused. They waited a few minutes in silence, hoping Vysio would finish explaining, or at least one of them would continue. But no one ever did. In fact, they seemed to have disappeared.


No response.


Then all of a sudden, (Y/n) rose from the ground, shrouded in a cloud of magic. Her eyes, fingertips, even the ends of her hair were alive with magic.


She started moving, floating across the room. Her face was expressionless. She was possessed. Stephen started to piece it all together. The magic would corrupt the Hauntlings, forcing their host to do things out of their control. That's why she had been so secretive around the sanctum. They had been ordering her around, taking her places and controlling her. And she hid all of this from him because she didn't know it was happening, but also because she didn't want him to worry about the voices. But now he knew. And he could clearly see what Vysio was talking about.

Once he had finished his realisation, he jumped up and rushed over to her. She was now by the door of the library, starting to make her way out. He had been subconsciously watching her move further away from him as he was thinking. Instinctively, he reached out to grab her hand, but curiosity stopped him. Where would they take her? There had to be some sort of motive.

He watched as she left the library and turned through the hallways of the sanctum. He stayed close. Then, she stopped. She had just entered that same room filled with statues and shrines that Stephen had followed her to the previous day. She was several feet in the air at this point. Her arms started rising, and magic started spilling between them. And after a few seconds, a gateway had started forming.

Stephen had decided he'd seen enough. He wasn't about to let them take her anywhere outside of the sanctum and away from him. Luckily, the cloak had been following him. So, just as he flung it around his shoulders, he flew up to her and reached out, and almost instantaneously, the magic faded, but her mind was still clouded. The cloak hovered both of them to the ground.

As she started to regain subconsciousness, she fell in Stephen's grip, losing her balance and falling into his arms. She looked up at him, panicked. And he now understood why this power was hidden from her for so long, and why the Hauntlings had been so hesitant.

"I- What-"

She was looking around. Stephen could see the panic set into her features. He pulled her up, letting her readjust her balance before he placed her in front of himself and cupped her face. Her hands held him there, gripping him subconsciously, not wanting him to let go.

"What happened...?"

She had no recollection of the events that just took place. None whatsoever. From the moment her powers over took her to the moment Stephen reached out and touched her, her mind was blank.

"They..." Stephen sighed, worried by how she would react to this explanation, "They took over. They were going to take you somewhere."

Her eyebrows knitted before one of them hooked upward. Her heart was no longer in her chest. It was in her head. As it all started making sense, she felt an overwhelming amount of... of everything. Thoughts, emotions, feelings. Everything was clouding her senses. All she could hear was the sound of her own pulse firing away, rapidly beating like it was trying to stay alive in its final moments. She felt heavy. Her hands, her head, everything felt numb, like she was losing control of her own limbs. And before she knew it, she was back in Stephen's arms, and completely passed out.

I'm so sorry this is a bit later than normal. I've been super busy with my last few weeks of term.

I had a thought. How would you guys feel if I included artworks of locations? It's a little hard to explain but I'm studying concept art at the minute and have so many ideas for different locations and rooms. Probably wouldn't do anything for this book but for my next I was thinking I could perhaps create some artwork and slot it into the chapters along with the descriptions?

I'm not sure yet, since it would definitely push back the releases, but if its something you guys might be interested in do let me know :)

Until next time <3

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