Chapter 9 - Don't Break it

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Now with the realisation that his shaking hands did not determine his new path in life, Stephen found it within himself to clean up his look, cutting his hair and trimming his now very messy beard. This was something he had been dreading for a while, having picked up the scissors or razor before but immediately putting them back down once he saw how little control he had over his hands.

The following day was Sunday, which he had gathered for a while was a rest day for most students. So, after changing into his robes, his freshly cut hair and shaven face caused him flash a confident grin at his reflection, and he headed out of his room to explore the temple.

As he opened his door to step out, he noticed he had stepped right in front of someone, causing a slight collision in the hall.

- Stephen's POV -

"I'm so sorry-" I began before I realised I had walked into a tired (Y/n) with her head buried in a book. She glanced up, peeling her eyes away from the pages in front of her and reorienting herself.

"Oh, Strange, I apologise. I didn't see you there."

She spoke with tiredness in her voice. I usually didn't see her this early on Sundays, assuming she took this time to sleep in - the small yawn escaping her lips confirmed this. She started to walk and I shut my door and made my way beside her.

"Busy day today?" I asked, hoping she would say no, giving us a chance to possibly spend some time together.

"A little. Life doesn't stop for sorcery." She quietly chuckled.

We made our way past the courtyard, which was already scattered with small groups of people, talking or sparring, enjoying the Sunday morning. She looked up from her book and I followed her gaze. And to my surprise, I noticed a small garden tucked away on the other side of the courtyard.

Had that been there all this time?

She sighed and continued walking, making her way to The Ancient One's sanctuary. However, I did not follow her, as much as I wanted to continue small conversations. Instead, I turned toward the garden and made my way toward it.

The early morning sun shone through the large trees that were decorated throughout, and as I started making my way through, I realised it was much larger than I had initially expected it to be. To my surprise, I saw Mordo off in the distance, deeper in the garden. I manoeuvred my way through the plants and found a path towards him. This place made me feel alive. The fresh air and cool breeze was incredibly inviting as I passed beautiful bushes filled with lush greenery and flowers.

As I got closer, I realised he was praying to some headstones. So, I held back and waited for him to finish. Now that I looked around, I realised there were headstones everywhere, scattered in their own little places. I think I understood why this place was so peaceful.

"Is this your first time here?" Mordo asked, standing up but not removing his gaze from the headstones in front of him.

"Yeah, I never noticed this place." I replied, still looking around.

"Welcome to the burial ground. Most of us just refer to this as the Garden of Tranquility."

I smiled at the name. It fit very well. My gaze focused towards Mordo as he placed two beautiful flowers against the two headstones in front of him. And that's when I read it. (Y/l/n).

(Y/f/n) & (Y/m/n)

"Are those.."

"Yes. They are." He replied, cutting me off. "Today marks 21 years since their passing."

There was sorrow in his voice.

But, why wasn't (Y/n) here?

And as if Mordo read my mind, he continued.

"(Y/n) only returns here when the sun starts to set. Perhaps you could join her, bring her some comfort. She never finds this day easy, no matter how long it has been."

He finished, finally turning to face me. I was utterly speechless. It was heartbreaking. All I could think about was how (Y/n) was going about her day as if it were any other. And by the sounds of it, she always did. Never taking any time to process or give herself a break. Heck, she was already up so early with her head already buried in a book, studying, working. Now I understood Mordo's annoyance.

She never stopped.


A few hours after lunch, I saw her sitting at a table by herself, of course, reading, fiddling with small sparks in one hand as she processed the information on the page before her. I decided to join her, perhaps talk to her about her parents, if she wanted to of course.

She must have seen me approaching from the corner of her eyes, although she didn't take them off the page, because she swung her leg over the bench, freeing up the seat next to her, which I gratefully took.

After a moment of silence, I spoke up.

"(Y/n), I'm-"

"Don't." She replied, cutting me off. She didn't sound angry, just tired. "Mordo told me you saw their graves. I assume you wanted to ask me about it." She said casually, now placing the book down and turning to me.

"Only if you feel comfortable talking about it," I said, placing a hand over hers, giving it a gentle squeeze to reassure her it wasn't my intent to pry. She sighed, and reached around her neck, taking off the choker. I had noticed it before. She always wore it. And by the look of her bare neck, she probably never took it off. She placed it in my hand and closed my grip around it. Just as she did, my mind raced.

I saw a home being destroyed by large creatures with two sorcerers fighting in the middle, with two more on the floor. I saw a small girl watching in fear. I saw the beam that scarred her arm before her father said goodbye and her mother carried her through the portal. I watched as she placed her necklace, the same one now in my hand, around the young girl's neck, and I watched as she, too, said goodbye. I saw how she was attacked in front of the sanctum before she was taken to Kamar-Taj.

And just like that, my vision returned.

I looked over, seeing her eyes shut as she returned the necklace to her neck, opening them just before the pendant touched her skin and I swore I saw the smallest hint of purple in her eyes.

I held her hand, not knowing what to say. I mean, what were you supposed to say when you effectively just re-lived a loved one's death with them?

All I could do was open my arms and offer her a hug.

She looked surprised and reluctant. I could now tell she wasn't very used to being touched, but just as I started to lower my arms back to my sides, she leaned in, placing her head on my shoulder, facing away, and her arms gently found my back. I was holding back a few tears, never realising how broken she was. And after a few moments, I heard her soft voice.

"Thank you."

As we both pulled away from the hug, I watched her quickly wipe a tear from her eyes and stand up to leave, but not before turning to back and flashing me the smallest smile, gratefulness plastered across her face.

Or was she flustered?

As I watched her leave, both Wong and Mordo found their seats on either side of me. Stunned.

"She's never hugged anyone before." Wong spoke, "At least, not us. The most we ever get is leaned on, or crushed, how ever you want to look at it."

"She trusts you," Mordo added, thoughtfully. All three of us were still looking ahead, watching her walk away. "Don't break it."

Ok, so, this necklace, I know in LayceJ25 's story, the necklace has multiple abilities but here I'm limiting it just to visual aid. Just wanted to add that there.

It means the ABSOLUTE WORLD to me that you guys are commenting and enjoying the story, I love you all :)

Until next time <3

(Also feel free to recommend some stuff for me to read ;) )

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