Chapter 12 - What the Hell was That!?

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- Stephen's POV -

"Why can't you just borrow them from the library?" I asked. 

(Y/n) was going to conjure small gateways into the library to 'borrow' the books - which, she then informed me was against the rules.

"It's too obvious. Wong told me you weren't ready and I agreed with him. If he saw me borrowing books about astral projection then he would know you were behind it." 

(Y/n) did not strike me as the kind of person to break rules like this. And for me? Perhaps we could have a little fun with this.

So, after she had conjured small gateways and taken the first book, she explained how to safely project myself.

As I set myself down on the bed and practised, she continued conjuring more portals to borrow more books, the last one of which was taken right from in front of Wong. She looked up at me and we giggled, picturing the confusion on Wong's face after that.


After some time, we were both floating in our astral forms; reading books and exchanging information with each other, while our physical bodies lay together on my bed.

"So, (Y/l/n) the rule breaker?" I asked, looking up from my book with a grin.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you've never broken a single rule in your life, Doc?" She replied, rolling her eyes.


There it was again. 

Something about that caused a small knot in my stomach to form, but not an uncomfortable one.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled, placing my book down. 

I had her attention. 

After a little bit of thought, I remembered a slightly snobbish act I used to do. 

" I once spilled Champagne on someone seated at my table during a hospital benefit because I didn't want to sit next to them." I said, slightly embarrassed by my confession. "Maybe I did that a few times." 

Now hearing it out loud, it was a little mean. But sadly it was the first thing that had come into my head and went straight out of my mouth.

"Seriously?" She gasped. "Picky are we, Doc?" 

Her eyebrow raised, and she started to laugh, no doubt at the mental image of me spilling an expensive drink over someone and being more irritated that my glass was empty rather than the colleague I had just pissed off.

"Hey! In my defence, those benefits were just so boring." I tried to defend myself. 

But seeing the fit of laughter I had caused, it was hopeless to try to justify the statement. I rolled my eyes, looking back to the book that was stationed in my hands. I was hoping it wasn't obvious I was trying to hide behind it. It was nice hearing her laugh, but I didn't want to show her the satisfaction of hearing it.

"No, no!" She said, wiping her tears from all the laughter and calming herself. "They must have been really dull people to spend your evenings with. To be able to spill liquid gold just to remove someone from your vicinity. No doubt with your plate of lobster in front of you as well." She giggled harder. I think she might have noticed by now that I was huffed behind my book because I felt the air shift slightly.

"But I'm sure no matter the trouble you caused, everyone still looked up to you like a God." 

She was trying to play on my ego. And I must admit, it was slightly working.

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