Chapter 1 - We Wait

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- 21 years later-

The sun had set on the temple of Kamar-Taj. Wind blew the chimes that were strung throughout the ancient structure. The library was as quiet. As it should be. Everyone was settling for the evening.

The librarian was tidying and returning books to their rightful place on the shelves when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to see a group of sorcerers, the leader of which was hooded. Before he could react, more of them appeared and sent a spell to the librarian's limbs, stringing them up, leaving him unable to move.

The leader moved forward as his disciples placed a large cauldron-looking bin placed under the librarian's head. He removed his hood, revealing the former student of Kamar-Taj - Kaecilius - before he conjured two blades to behead the librarian in one easy swipe.

The keeper of books was now dead, so there was no issue trying to find what the group had come for.

Kaecilius, after immediately locating the  target, thoughtfully opened the book that was chained to the shelf - the Book of Cagliostro. He searched the pages for a dark ritual, scanning it over before eventually ripping the pages out of the book and leaving.

"Master Kaecilius. That ritual will bring you only sorrow."

They turned to see the bright ochre robes of The Ancient One as her voice rang through the library. It was clear she was intent on not letting him or any of his followers leave with those pages.

He turned and ran through a gateway, his team following close behind as they emerged onto the city streets, rushing through the crowd. But Kaecilius is halted by the formation of mirror-like shards over taking their path. The yellow figure was now apparent in the broken reflection behind them.

The mirror dimension.

As she waved her hand, the buildings nearby scatter and move, multiplying and reforming, and Kaecilius and his followers watch nervously.

"Hypocrite!" He shouts before a chase ensues.

Buildings reform in an attempt to trap them. Kaecilius and his followers struggle, being forced onto the side of the building. As the battle commences, one by one, they fall to the powerful yet graceful attacks landed by The Ancient One, her glowing fans slicing and knocking them down.

With The Ancient One busy with the fighting, Kaecilius took the opportunity to open a gateway, and, with any of the followers that remained, escape, pages in hand.

Watching him leave through the portal, The Ancient One reversed the chaos that scattered across the buildings, returning them to their former state and exiting the mirror dimension. As she made her way back to Kamar-Taj, she couldn't help but feel responsible for the damage that had been done and undoubtedly would be caused now that Kaecilius and those remaining had gotten away with the dangerous ritual.


All the while that was happening, you and Mordo were sparing in the courtyard of Kamar-Taj, completely oblivious to the scene that had just occured in the Library.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

Blocking his attack, you conjured a shield and used it to push him back, allowing you to readjust your form and stand up. You start to bounce on your feet, ready to move in any direction as Mordo stares at you in his low stance.

"You do realise that you would never have that much time in a battle to do any of that?" He asks humorously, all the while never diverting his focus.

"You do realise you would be dead if it was?" You glare back at him.

You and Mordo, or as you liked to call him occasionally, Karl, were good friends. The serious-trustworthy type. You both focused very heavily on succeeding, being Masters and close apprentices to The Ancient One herself. You trained a lot, and even when you rarely needed someone to talk to, he was there to listen, and vice versa.

Suddenly, The Ancient One walked through a glowing ring next to where you were sparring, worry on her face. Mordo and yourself immediately bowed to her, shared a confused look, and followed her.

"He has the pages, the ritual to channel the dark dimension; to make contact with Dormammu."

At the words of dark dimension, you felt a pain in your chest, one you hadn't felt in a long time.

Since you moved to Kamar-Taj and embraced this lifestyle, you rarely talked about the events that happened the night your parents died. Only shared that part of your last with a few who you trusted, and even then, you kept the details short. Only The Ancient One knew the story in full, and she never brought it up to anyone else.

You had learned that those creatures, Mindless Ones, were dwellers of the dark dimension, and when you saw one of your friends take interest in that topic, you could no longer keep it to yourself.


"Kaecilius, you mustn't go down this path! I promise you it is not what you seek." You said to him one evening, the day he left.

He explained his plan to you and even tried to recruit you. Despite the slight age gap, you and he grew close. Nothing ever romantic - you would never let anyone get that close. He was like an older brother to you.

But you were told by Mordo and your other friend Wong that he saw you as more. He had grown attached to you, protective, possessive. As he sighed in disappointment at your rejection to join him, he sensed the other sorcerers on their way - you had immediately sent a note to Mordo and Wong upon hearing of the involvement of Dormammu - and he opened a portal and left.

That was a few weeks ago.

He has gained followers since, fellow students - Zealots - and now, he has the ritual.


As you followed The Ancient One to her sanctuary - often where meetings were held, and meditations were taught - Mordo looked over at you, dragging you out of your thoughts, and you both looked to her.

"What do we do?"

"We wait."

And the story begins.

I'm having so much fun writing this book. This stuff really is addicting :P

I currently have a few chapters edited and lined up so they'll be coming out within the next few days.

Until next time <3

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