Chapter 16 - We're Not Prophets

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- Stephen's POV -

"Wong?" I called out as I made my way to the library. 

Something kept me up that night, so a little reading wouldn't hurt, right?

At first, I thought I'd try and find the book (Y/n) had been so eager to get her hands on. But after searching and then finding it was protected by a sheet of magic, which hurt to touch I might add, I moved to a different section of the library.

My mind lingered on the book chained on the shelf, the same book I had picked up the first time I stepped foot into this library - The Book of Cagliostro. I had been so intrigued by these books, I thought no harm in doing some extra studying. And besides, I brought a small midnight snack to enjoy.

As I sat down, flicking through the book, while starting to enjoy my apple, I saw an eye. Well, no, it wasn't an actual eye-eye, It was an image of an amulet, fashioned like an eye.

'The Eye of Agamotto'


It looked familiar. 

And all I had to do was look up to the pedestal that was placed ever so conveniently at the end of the library where three large doors stood. And resting atop the pedestal, was the same eye amulet I found in the book. I got up and walked over to it. 

The eye

Can't be too important if they just leave it lying around.

"Wong?" I was just double-checking my surroundings at this point.

Now, with the eye-necklace thing dangling from my neck, I read further into the book.

"Okay." I said out loud to myself, "First, open the Eye of Agamotto."

As I followed the instructions detailed in the pages before me, the eye opened. Metal plates slid back to reveal the green stone hidden inside, now glowing brightly. "Alright," I said, it was reassuring to see these things work on the first try.

After some more gestures detailed in the book, a line of glowing rings appeared around my arm, covered in runes. Time to test it. Following the book's instructions of course.

My now half-eaten apple was sitting on the desk next to me. So, I lined up my now glowing arm and started to turn it, like there was a dial in front of me and I was changing the settings of whatever appliance stood behind it. As I rotated my arm, the apple started to move, or get eaten I suppose. Chunks were being taken out of it until eventually the core stood by itself. Interesting. I instinctively tried turning my hand back the other way, and lo and behold, the apple was reforming to how I had left it, but the more I turned, the more that started to reappear. I was seeing this apple's future and past.

An idea hit me.

I searched through the book to find the torn-out pages. Those that Kaecilius had stolen. I could effectively return the pages to see what all the fuss was about. Brilliant? I know right.

So, repeating the same gestures over the torn papers, I watched as they started reforming the stolen pages. They were now in front of me, so I began to read.

"Dormammu. The Dark Dimension. Eternal life?" 

This doesn't make sense.

Suddenly, a fragment appeared in front of where I was reading. Kind of looks like the Mirror Dimension. As the fragment expanded and formed a wall in front of me, I saw three figures rush into the library behind me.


It was Mordo. And with that, the eye had closed up and my arm was no longer glowing. I was caught.

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