Chapter 28 - I'm Going to Miss This Place

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-Third POV-

The weather had been rough. 

As the temperature started to drop around this time of the year, the rain would also pick up. 

The temple, now subject to heavy rain and storms, felt empty. But not because there was no one in it. But because she no longer was.

There had been a small ceremony for The Ancient One a few days after the chaos died down. A new, quite magnificent headstone was now erected in the garden. It was showered in flowers, trinkets and little prayers. 

Everyone mourned the loss of the Sorcerer Supreme, so the weather was quite fitting. Sorcerers from across the globe, and even the universe, arrived at Kamar-Taj to pay their respects. 

Everyone except for (Y/n). 

While the others were in the garden paying tribute to their late leader, she was in her room, packing, of all things, for her move to the New York Sanctum.

Knock knock

"I see you're wasting no time in leaving this place." Wong said as he entered the room. 

She wasn't packing everything, just what she would need to comfortably live somewhere else. This, after all, had been her room since she was 8, and the other master's assured her that it would always be her room - a custom as the temple always had extra room. She had a small cardboard box in her hands as Wong approached.

"You do realise you can conjure a gateway to move these things, right?"

But after saying the words out loud, he realised why she was doing it. While, yes, it would have been incredibly easy to transport all of her things via sorcery, this was giving her something to do, to distract her.

"It's more fun this way..." she said, looking into the box in her hands. 

A picture frame rested on the top of its contents. The golden frame had been salvaged from her childhood home the day after her parents' death. The image within was a moment captured while her parents pushed her on a swing in their local park. She must have been around 5 or 6 at the time. 

They all looked so happy. 

But over the years, more images had been added to the glass of this frame, creating a collage of little memories that would make her smile when she was occasionally sad.


One of her & Wong - after they had successfully cooked a meal for some of the other sorcerers to prove The Ancient One wrong. She had passed a comment saying something along the lines of 'All you two do is eat. There is no appreciation for the work that goes into making a meal.' . The kitchen was a mess for a few days.

One of her & Mordo - after a sparring session, the first one where he had bested her. He insisted they take a photo to remind her that there's always room for improvement. He wouldn't stop bragging about it for weeks, taking every opportunity he could to rub it in her face.

Another of Wong, screaming his heart out at karaoke. He had somehow convinced (Y/n) & Mordo to join him and they all ended up having a blast. Who knew sorcerers were such fun people?

A more recent one of Stephen during their training. He was laying with his back on the floor after attempting a small spell that sent him off the ground with a slight scream. He didn't appreciate the flash of the small camera going off; indicating this moment was now frozen on a small photograph. He had chased her around the temple for half the day trying to get that camera.

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