Chapter 14 - Giving Up So Soon?

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- Stephen's POV -

I was strapping up my boots in the middle of the courtyard. Mordo had convinced The Ancient One to a sparring session using magic and relics - much to (Y/n)'s disapproval. After the whole situation in the training room, things seemed to go back to normal between us. She returned to her sarcastic self, although I did notice how she would remain a little more closed off if there were others around us, almost like she was trying to upkeep her image. But when it was just us two, it was perfect.

The Ancient One & (Y/n) were sitting on some steps to the side of the courtyard, no doubt these two would be watching our spar as well as another pair of students whose spar had already begun. And they looked to be analysing every inch of the fight.

"So, just how ancient is she?" I asked Mordo, as he too was preparing.

He chuckled, "No one knows the age of the Sorcerer Supreme. Only that she is Celtic and never talks about her past."

"You follow her even though you don't know?" I was surprised. I assumed basic information like this was common knowledge, especially considering she was our leader in many ways.

"I know that she's steadfast, but predictable. Merciless, yet kind. She made me what I am. She made all of us." He lowered his stance and raised his arms. "Trust your teacher. And don't lose your way." His face turned stern at that last sentence.

"Like Kaecilius?"

Ever since my arrival, I could sense the tension in the air, and after Wong & (Y/n) had explained what he had done, I knew they were all just awaiting his next move.

"That's right."

He swung his leg, kicking the air just in front of my face before I moved in to counter, pushing him back and holding him trapped slightly.

"You knew him." 

I could tell not only because (Y/n) had mentioned this to me before, but also by the way he spoke about him, almost as if he had lost a brother.

Mordo quickly reversed the roles and managed to get me in a choke hold.

"When he first came to us, he'd lost everything he ever loved. He was a grieving and broken man, searching for answers in the mystic arts. A brilliant student, but he was proud, headstrong. Befriended not only myself but the others, (Y/n) especially. He grew very fond of her. They seemed to bond over their losses, even though he never knew the reason for hers. He could only guess." 

I swung my elbow into his ribs, allowing me time to move out of his grip.

"He questioned The Ancient One, rejected our teaching. He left Kamar-Taj. His disciples followed him like sheep, seduced by false doctrine. Even tried to convince (Y/n) to leave with him." Mordo continued through heavy breaths.

So there it was.

Kaecilius wasn't as close to her as I was.

I had, shamefully, become a little jealous. The mentions of their closeness did bother me. Of course, I didn't know him, and now, every word about him was negative. But something inside me jumped a little, hearing how she was still quite closed off to him despite their closeness. And how she stayed.

"He stole the forbidden ritual, right?"


"What did it do?" I was curious of course. There was previous mention of the dark dimension but never any specifications as to what he was trying to accomplish.

"No more questions." He stated, picking up a thick wooden staff, he was eager to start this bout.

"What's that?" I asked. The staff looked ordinary yet not, small carvings around the edges.

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